
History of Robotics

  • Period: Jan 1, 700 to Dec 31, 1499

    100 AD-15th Cent

  • Jan 1, 725

    The first mechanical clock

    The first mechanical clock
    This is important because it shows that robots do not have to necessarily be powered by electricity. This "robot" is powered by water. This "robot" is also very intricate and complex, showing the complexity of robots.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Al-Jazari's writings

    Al-Jazari's writings
    These writings are impotant because they give one many insights into the history of robotics. They also show the disparity of technology between the Middle East and Western Europe at that time.
  • Jan 1, 1364

    Heavenly clock

    Heavenly clock
    This clock built in Padua, Italy, is important because it shows the medieval fascination with mechanics. This mirrors our own fascination with technology in the modern era.
  • Jan 1, 1470

    Johannes Muller's Eagle

    Johannes Muller's Eagle
    This eagle is important because it could fly with mechanics. The eagle was built for entertainment, much like some of our own robots in the modern era.
  • Jan 1, 1495

    Leonardo da Vinci's automated knights

    Leonardo da Vinci's automated knights
    This is important because it is the first humanoid, or human-like, robot, in Western Europe. It shows how far the West had come in technology, and it also shows the importance of design to robotics.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    16th Cent-19th Cent

  • Jacques du Vaucanson's automata

    Jacques du Vaucanson's automata
    These automata are important because they could play music or make sounds. Jacques' duck was an exampe of "moving autonomy"; the duck could make life-like movements with the help of mechanics.
  • Joseph Jacquard's Loom

    Joseph Jacquard's Loom
    This is impotrant because the loom is a task usually reserved to women. Since robots could do it, women did not have to do this and they could spend more time with their families.
  • Frankenstein

    The Frankenstein complex is the term for the bad reputation that robots seem to have. Modern film is full of examples of evil robots, and this book is the first to give robots this misconception
  • The Difference Engine

    The Difference Engine
    This is important because it is the first use of artificial intelligence, or A.I. It is not just an automaton, but it can actually think for itself.
  • Tesla's remote-control boat

    Tesla's remote-control boat
    This is important because it is the first device to be remote-controlled. It is the precursor to all remotes. It was also first unveiled in a great arena: Madison Square Garden. This demonstrates how appreciative the public was.
  • Period: to

    20th Century

  • The term robot

    The term robot
    The term robot was coined by Karel Capek in his play "R.U.R". Without him, we would not have the term for the droids that do work for us.
  • Laws of Robotics

    Laws of Robotics
    The three laws of robotics plus the zeroth law of robotics governs how robots are to treat humans. Robots are essentially to put humanity above themselves. This is important because without these laws programmed into robots, robots could theoretically start an uprising. Although a robot uprising could start with these laws in place, the laws make it much less likely.

    UNIMATE is important because it is the first industrial robot in history. Because of industrial robots, humanity can make products much more efficiently.
  • Star Wars: C-3P0 and R2-D2

    Star Wars: C-3P0 and R2-D2
    The movie "Star Wars" is important to robotics because it is a film that puts a positive spin on robots. R2-D2 and C-3PO are robotic characters that ordinary people can relate to because of their human-like attitudes and qualities.
  • Voyager Spacecraft

    Voyager Spacecraft
    Both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 have given us a great picture of our solar system. Without these robots, all we would know about our solar system would be based off of guesswork, because humans cannot survive out in deep space.
  • Humanoids

    Humanoids such as ASIMO are important because they are the robots of the modern era. They will be the type of robot that will become our caretakers.
  • Period: to

    21st Cent-Near Future

  • Small robots

    Small robots
    Small robots such as this flying camera are important for many purposes, the most obvious of which being security. This camera can fly about and gather video without people really seeing it.
  • NASA's Spirit and Opportunity Rovers

    NASA's Spirit and Opportunity Rovers
    These rovers are important because they have done what humans could not do: land on Mars. They have collected samples for us from Mars, and they prove that robots can "survive" on foreign planets.
  • Re-producing robots

    Re-producing robots
    Reproducing robots are important because if robots can reproduce, then humans do not have to assemble them, or program other robots to assemble them.
  • MQ-9 Reaper

    MQ-9 Reaper
    The Reaper is important because it can kill and provide defense to our country without risking American lives. It can also give valuable air support to ground troops.