Universidad autónoma de nuevo león


By ziranda
  • Classical M. M. (Scientific Management) Origins

    Classical M. M. (Scientific Management) Origins
    Charles Babbage express that it could exist mutual interests between workers and owners of factories. He argued for a profit-sharing system where workers could profit from their productivity.
  • Classical M. M. (Scientific Management) Origins

    Classical M. M. (Scientific Management) Origins
    Frederick W. Taylor (from the Midvale Steel Company) recognized the need for labour and management co-operation, cost controlling and work methods analysis, he also mention the principle of greater output achieved through worker participation called “systematic soldiering”. His theory mention that the primary interest of management and the worker was one and the same.

    The oldest and most accepted school of thought called Classical Management Movement arose to try to provide a scientific and rational basis for the organizational management. It has two fundamental thrust: scientific management (centres on ways to improve productivity) and general Administrative Management (examines organizations as total entities and focuses onways to make them more effective and efficient).
  • Classical M. M. (General Administrative Management)

    Classical M. M. (General Administrative Management)
    Henry Fayol introduces "the systematic management theory". He mention the basic functions of the managers (planning, organizing, commanding, co-ordinating and controlling). Also he separated in 6 sections any industrial project (tecnical, financial, commercial, security, managerial and accounting).
  • Classical M. M. (Scientific Management)

    Classical M. M. (Scientific Management)
    Robert Owen, the father of modern personnel management experiment with improving working conditions in factories and he also set up stores to sell necessities at cost for the improve of community
  • Classical M. M. (General Administrative Management)

    Classical M. M. (General Administrative Management)
    Max Weber, the father of Bureaucratic management created a system where the individuals had a series of responsabilities in an office. Each lower office was accountable to the next higher one, this created a systematic division of labour which pursued organizational goals and objectives.
  • Classical Management Movement (Scientific Management)

    Classical Management Movement (Scientific Management)
    James Watt Jr. and Matthew Robinson Boulton implemented several management techniques into The Soho Engineering Foundry (founded in 1796), like market research and forecasting, production planning, standardization of product components, and also they formed worker and executive training and development programmes for their personnel.
  • Classical M. M. (Scientific Management)

    Classical M. M. (Scientific Management)
    Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, they made contributions in production and operation management and for their motion studies, for example, “laws of motion economy”, which involved 22 principles dealing with: the use of the human body, the workplace arrangement, and tools and equipment design
  • Classical M. M. (General Administrative Management)

    Classical M. M. (General Administrative Management)
    Chester I. Barnard try to connect scientific management and human relations. He´s definition of an organization consist as a system of discerning co-ordinated individual activities. He created a theory related to the acceptance of authority based on free will (employees considered a superior’s orders and then decided either accept them or not).

    1920´s-1930´s the behavioural management movement came in as an approach to management considering human psychology, motivation and leadership. This movement includes the human relations movement as well as modern behaviourism (organizational behaviour).