History of Management

  • First College Basketball Game

    On this day the University of Iowa invited student-athletes from the University of Chicago to an "experimental" game. the final score was 15-12 in favor of Iowa but this opened the door for many things in the management field. In today's world we have hundreds and thousands of college and professional sports teams that travel all around the country in order to play eachother. That requires travel plans, where teams will stop and go to eat, hotel services and much more.
  • F.W. Taylor

    Frederick W. Taylor was most widely known as the man that defined scientific management in the working world. Scientific management is defined as the systematic study of relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency (Contemporary Management, Ch 2, Pg 39).
  • The Wright Brothers

    The Wright Brothers were the first people that were able to put a airplane in flight in the air in 1903. This led to countries having fighter planes and us now using planes to travel and go on vacation. it has also helped us manage out nations mail and shipping items form one part of the country to the other. (History of Flight-The Wright Brothers, Paragraph 4)
  • Conveyor Belt

    Henry Ford and his team developed one of the first moving conveyor belts that helped create mass production in the vehicle insudtry and made Mr. Ford a pioneer (Conveyor Automation Paragraph 6).
  • Labor Laws

    Labor laws were passed Prohibiting companies from working their employees more then eight hours a day. Robert Owen was most famous for his slogan "Eight hours of work, eight hours of recreation, eight hours of rest" slogan (The Eight Hour Work Day, Paragraph 8).
  • Fayol's 14 Principles of Management

    Fayol was a man who worked in the same era as Max Weber but he worked independently. He came up with 14 principles that all managers and busineses should follow which included; division of labor, authority and reponsibility, and initiative. Some of the things he described where along the same lines of what Weber came up with but Fayol went into much more detail on how to incorporate that into the everyday job (Contemporary Management, Pg. 47 Paragraph 1).
  • Bureaucracy

    Max Weber wrote about the Theory of Bureaucracy and the five principles that are involved with it. They include authority, performance, responsibilities, organization, and standards. It was a revolutionary idea at the time and it began to shape the management world as it gave managers some power and it gave employees and businesses some structure (Contemporary Management, pg.45, Paragraph 2-3)
  • Television

    Marketing had begun long before the television was invented but once the TV actually came along; advertising took off and added an entire different level to the management world. Companies now days have completely seperate departments designated just for advertising. Adding advertising to companies has also increase the need for managers in this field as more and more tasks need someone whi is able to be in charge.
  • Model A

    Model A was introduced to the public in a time when vehicles were becoming more and more common for families to own. Highways were beginning to be paved and people were beginning to go places faster and get things done much quicker then before. Soon after businesses will be able to ship mail by ground.
  • Computers

    Computers are a major tool that everyone uses today in order to stay organized and keep track of things without using much paper. Some of the first modern-day computers were produced in 1936 but computers didn't really become a household item until the late 90's (Computer History, Paragraph 3-4)
  • Labor Standards Act

    The Labor and Standards Act was passed by congress in 1938 which allowed the governement to regulate how many hours children could work and put an age as to when children could start working.
  • Theroy X

    Theory X ststaed that people generally were lazy and would try to get away with doing as little work as possible. It also conveyed the fact that mangers should be giving their workers enough work to stay busy during the day without getting bored. now I don't know how things were before this but Theory X has shaped the was industries and compaines run themselves today (Contemporary Management pg. 53 Paragraph 3)
  • Menards and Retail Stores

    John Menard first opened his doors to customers looking to buy lumber and other building supplies back in his home shop in 1953. He now is the owner of numerous stores throughout the midwest and is still growing. This day marked the beginning for Menards and for retail growth as we have come to see it today.
  • Mechanistic Structure

    This organizational structure was described as having the companies authority centralized with guidelines, tasks, and objectives being effectivley defined. It also expresses that employees are closely watched at all times to assure that they are staying on task ( Contemporary Management, pg. 58, Paragraph 3).
  • Contingency Theory

    The overall message of this theory was that there is no one best way to organize or do a job. Meaning that everybody has their own way of doing things and that people need to be open minded about how other people think instead of trying to do things only one way (Contemporary Management, Pg. 57, Paragraph 3)
  • Organic Structure

    Instead of having the authority centralized, Organic structure focuses on spreading the tasks among multiple first, second and third line managers and their employees in each department. Many retail and convience stores use this type of management because of the size of their companies and the number of employees they carry.
  • FED Ex

    Fed Ex company was found in 1971 allowing comapines to ship and recieve mail quicker and help with the overall effectiveness of there campny and their organization. Now they offer overnight shipping which allows customers and businesses to get their mail and supplies where they need to go.
  • Phones

    The first call from a mobile phone was made by Martin Cooper which opened a whole new world in the communication department. Now people can call, text, email, check facebook and twitter all from their phone as well as search the web! Phones and their popularity growth over the past forty years has allowed the business world to never sleep ( The History of Cell Phones - A Vision Realized Paragraph 1-3)
  • Ethics and Good Morals

    On this date a fire burned Malden Mills building and put 3,000 people out of work. But instead of actually putting people out of work, CEO Aaron Feuerstein spent millions of dollars keeping these people employed. He said that instead of looking at employees as a cost to the company; he looks at them as an asset (Release Management Tool, Paragraph 15)
  • Facebook

    Facebook was created and the social frenzy was on! Everyone wanted to post everything that they were doing, be friends with as many as they could, and keep up with friends as well. However, since facebook has begun it has taken on many new roles including the promotion of businesses. Now people can make facebook pages for their business and even extract ideas for others to enhance their own. It has become a great tool for small businesses looking to grow.