History of Management

  • Systematic Managment

    Systematic Managment
    Was the first type of Managment that dealt with the coordenation of procedures that built internal operations for an organization. This type of management focused on economic operation, inventory management, and cost control.(Proquest)
  • The Gilbreths

    The Gilbreths
    Frank and Lillian Gilbreths refined Taylors work they changed how management practices are done by a few steps they used and are followed today such as they used to: Analyze every individuals action necessary to perform a particular task and break it up in each component action, then find a better way to perfoorm each component, then recognize the actions and break it down to be more effiecients and effective. (p.42 Jones, George)
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    By this time Andrew Carnegie had built Carnegie Steel company that made all of its own products to convert iron ore into steel, by 1900 he had driven almost all of his comptition out of businesss, because he would be able to create his ow product with his own manufacturing which in return would lower the cost of production. His idea was the first industrial company (p. 42 Jones, George)
  • Fredrick W. Taylor and Scientific Managment

    Fredrick W. Taylor and Scientific Managment
    Fredrick W. Taylor:Theory of Scentific Managment is the systematic study of relationships between people and the tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase effiency. (p.39 Jones,George)
  • Fordism in practice

    Fordism in practice
    Henry ford, developed the conveyor belt to structure the time to build a vehicle more effiecient, Workers began to leave there job after only one year of employement because they could not handle the stresses of the job. So, Henry Ford developed a way to increase the motivation for his employees to stay at the job by doubling their pay from $2.50 to $5.00 an hour and shorten the day from nine-hours to eight-hour long days, deveolped into the term Fordism. (p41, Jones, George)
  • Institute of Administrative Managment

    Institute of Administrative Managment
    In 1915 the Institute of Administrative managment was established, arguably as the widespread adoption of Fredrick W. Taylors Scentific Management Theory. Administrative Managemnet and the institure focused on the study of how to create an organizational structure and control system that leads to high effiency and effectiveness. (British Journal)
  • 14 Principals of Managment

    14 Principals of Managment
    he published his "14 Principles of Management" in the book "Administration Industrielle et Generale."Fayol's "14 Principles" was one of the earliest theories of management to be created, and remains one of the most comprehensive. He's considered to be among the most influential contributors to the modern concept of management.(p 47. Jones, George)
  • Max weber and the Theory Of Bureaucracy

    Max weber and the Theory Of Bureaucracy
    Max Weber had now established the theory of Bureaucracy, which he had developed principels which described bureaucracy as a formal system of organization and administartion to ensure effiency and effectivness.
  • Human relations movement

    Refers to the researchers for organizational development who studies the behaior of people in groups. This movement was originated in the late 1930's.In the early 1920’s, Elton Mayo, a professor at Harvard, observed the importance of human interaction and personal relationships in the work place.
  • Specialization of Labor

    Henri Foyal came out with the concept of Specialization of labor. By having individuals specialize in certain tasks encoureges developing skills and continous improvment.
  • Centrailization

    This concept was developed by Henri Fayol, a founder in the concept of management. This specific concept is the Consolidation of management functions. meaning decsions are made from the top management or top of the pyramid and down from there. this concept is has been used and will be used for many years to come. it has developed into a management "Norm".
  • Quantitative Managment theory

    THis apprach was introduced in the early 1930's as a managment type that uses Mathimatical Techniques. Such as programming, modeling, simulation and chaos theory. (p.55 Jones, George)
  • Hawthorne Studies

    Hawthorne Studies
    The Hawthorne studies wa a way to investigate and expierment with a company by the name of Western Electric Company. It was a way to research how charecteristics in the work place such as lighting or illumination affects workers fatigue and performance. (p.52 Jones, George)
  • Industrial Robot

    Industrial Robot
    The industrial robot became essential for assembly lines and the fast moving automotive industry. These machines made it easier and faster to produce products in mass. The first Industrial robot was built by Griffth P. Taylor in 1937.
  • Hierarchy of Needs

    Hierarchy of Needs
    Maslows Hierarchy of needs came as a huge referance to employers in the understanding of how people work and how people interact with one another. This forever changed how managment would be operated from compant to comapny. Managers now have a better understand of what to look for in an individual for a specific job oppertunity.
  • Behavioral Managment Theory

    The study of how managers should personally behave to motivate employees and encourage them to perform at high levels and commited to achieving organizatial goals. This theory was developed in the late 1940 after Weber and Fayols writings were translated.
  • Fred Feildlers contegency model

    Fred Feildlers contegency model
    at this time Feildler came to the model that there is no one best way to managment or leadership. The effectivness of a leader is based on the situation, which is explained by two factors "Leadership Style" and "Situational Control". (Fiedler)
  • Equal pay act

    Equal pay act
    this act was set in place to prohibate any discrimination towards specific genders, racial background, ethnicitiy, or sexual oriantation in the work place. All workers must be treated equal in the work place, this specific act controls the discrimination of wages.
  • Civil Rights act of 1964

    Civil Rights act of 1964
    This act prohibits employers or employees from acting in a discrimiating fashion in the work place such as sexual harrasment, abuse, or any form of discrimination in the work place that may abuse the 14th Amendment.
  • Managment Science Theory

    The manament Science thoery is an contemporary approach that focuses on quantitative techniques to help managers get maximum use out of the organizations resources
  • The first mobile Phone

    The first mobile Phone
    The mobile phone was first created and used in 1973 by John F. Mitchell and Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola, they creadted a cell phone that weighed roughly two pounds. Business and management from that point forward would be changed forever due to the mobile ability of this device, mangers would now be able to be multiple places throughout there day and still have the ability to commincate with others in the work place.
  • First Consumer Computer

    First Consumer Computer
    In 1974/75 the first consumer computer was brought to the management industry, and from then on out has changed how anagers track employees, track inventory and manage there schedules. The first consumer brought to the industry was made by Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers.
  • Chaos Theory

    Chaos Theory
    The cahos theory was recognized in the 1980's, it states that any system can exist with out any direction or predictability. This theory means that any system put into place by an organization can work in its own matter.
  • Total Quality Managment

    Total Quality Managment focuses on researching and analyzing an organizations out puts, inputs , and conversions in order to increase production of products and services.
  • Americans with disabilites act of 1990

    Americans with disabilites act of 1990
    This act prohibits employers from hiring or firing individuals from the work place due to their physical disabilities. This act changes the role of management dramatically and changes how managers must go about there everyday activities around the work place.