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History of Human Rights

  • 560

    Cyrus the Great 560 BC not AC

    His early life Born in 600-599BC or 576BC (not very sure)
    Six children
    In Zoroastrianism
    He was born a shepherd in a poor family.
      The battle of Opis Fought on Sep 25, 539 BC
    Persia vs Neo-Babylonian Empire Later after a few days, Sippar surrendered to the Persians. Cyrus king.
    Cyrus Cylinder 1-19 intro
    20-22cyrus royal titles
    23-34an accomedation of Cyrus Policy Slaves
    Cyrus was praised for freeing the slaves.
  • 570

    Natural Law

    Natural Law Something that tells you between good and bad.
    Senator Marcus Tullius Cicero
    Soldiers didn’t listen to him
  • Oct 9, 1215

    Magna Carta

    King John King of England
    Lost most of his battle
    Known to be evil and cruel----- Unsure
    Known to be good ------
    Barren forced him to sign a paper Magna Carte A piece of paper
    Important- VERY
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte was a young general who fought for france who almost took over the world. He became the Empire of France and overthrew the French Revolution. He was then captured and exiled when he died of Stomch Cancer.
  • Mathamat Gandhi

    A Lawyer
    Stayed in Africa for 21 years
    India was colonized by the British during hs tm
    He ran away from home bcs was afraid of sch
    Married to Kasturbai
    Father in 1885, but baby died after a few days
    19, Moved to London wanted to be a lawyer
    Ghandi proposed a non- violent march to stop the British from colonizing them
    Ghandi was thrown into prison but having many fellow proteestors
    He died in 1947 was shot in public by someone
  • Adolf Hitler

    Unhappy Childhood Passed Architecture
    1896, bro left home 20, poverty left on st
    Liked war games Angry at Jews
    Failed test in drawing Because Jews were prb
    Anti Jewish Speech Prison Five Years
    Blamed Jews again Joined Nazi and became captain
    Suicide in his own bunker alone
    Nearly Destroyed all the Jews
    Reason to Conq Europe so that his own men would be strong and wanted Germans to be strong
  • Elanor Roosevelt

    Born in 1884 Died in 1962
    First lady to president Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Was the Delegate for United States in Human Rights.
    Was Named First Lady of The WORLD
    During WWII HR was not being followed. She made the declaration of HR so that it would stay.
  • Nelson Mandela- was born before MLK but still alive today because in jail for a long time

    First Black President
    His Vision was everyone will have equal rights.
    Only 25% of ppl in Africa were White
    1918 Birth Life Long friend named Tambo
    Escaped marriage and went to Johannesburg
    1943 he joined the ANC
    Married, but had argument
    Four sons, three dead 1 alive.
    1960 ppl were complaining about the law
    69 protesters died and many injured by White Police
    1961 was arrested for not having a password and jailed for 5 years and was found out to be a freedom fighter
    When he came ou
  • Martin Luther King

    Born in 1929-1968 Alanta, Georgia
    Was involved in the HR when a woman defied and was tired of how the white ppl treated them in the bus.
    1957 was Elected the President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    Traveled over 6 million miles and spoke to over 25 hundred times in 11 years.
    Directed a peaceful march
    Was shot dead in the balcony of his motel in Memphis- Assassinated
    Rosa Parks was the Woman who defied and was arrested in from the bus.
    His famous speech is “I have a Drea
  • World War II

    Hitler decided to send Nazi’s into battle
    After WWII ppl decided to sign the contract of Human Rights.