Gregor Mendal
first scientist to notice that pea plants followed some some of pattern. it is now know as the medelian inheritance. showing that the "baby plants" had similarities to their parents. -
Friedrich Miescher
Discovered the nucleic acid also known as DNA. Heisolated phosphate chemicals that he called the nucleic proving that child inheritaded traits from their parents. -
Frank Griffith
famous for doing an experiment that helps other people find or define DNA molecules. he used mice and two different kinds of pneumonia, 1 deadly 1 not. -
Oswald Avery
known for the experiment that isolated DNA that genes and chromosomes. -
Rosalind Franks
biologist to use the x-ray for crystallography pictures of BDNA. -
Erwin Chargaff
Chargaff invented 2 rules that would help lead to discovers double helix structures of DNA. These two rules were named a Chargaff (Chargaff’s Rules). the first of the rules is that the # of guanine units is the same as the number of cytosine units and the # of adenine units is the same as the # of thymine units. his second rule is that DNA is composed from one species to another species. this helped to give evidence of special diversity. -
Blender experiment. this experiment proved that protein was not genetic material and that phase DNA was the material. -
James Watson
discovered the structure of DNA. won the nobel prize for medicine/physiology . -
Francis Crick
came up with the double helix structure of DNA. also proposed central dogma an adaptor hypothesis. -
Thomas Hunt Morgan
First person to prove that genesor the material ofgenes was carried on chromosomes.