Historical Progression of Management

  • Period: to

    Timespan of Management

  • Centralization

    Centralization is when decisions are not spread throughout the company, but instead focused solely on a group of people. These people in an organization are usually the managers making the decisions that would affect the company.
  • Scientific Management

    Scientific Management
    Introduced by Frederick Taylor, it is when managers saying that with a rule of thumb they’d choose the right person for the job and monitor their performance better. The biggest quality for Scientific Management is efficiency, where workers can get the most amount of work done in a decent amount of time.
  • Monopoly

    Monopolies are when a single person or a single company own a majority of supply of or trade in a certain commodity or service. It is illegal to have big monopolies today.
  • Decentralization

    Decentralization is the authority to make decisions is spread throughout the organization. Including others in decision making gives more motivation to those people, which gives managers a different perspective on how to manage his/her company.
  • Hawthorne Studies

    Hawthorne Studies
    Hawthorne Studies were introduced in 1924 and were to examine the work environment, lighting, breaktimes, length of workdays, etc. These all contributed to worker productivity and was used by managers to observe workers and see what ways could increase productivity
  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

    Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
    Introduced by Abraham Maslow. It says there are psychological needs that will motivate people. People need to feel safe, secured, and loved in order to work well in an environment. People want self confidence from their peers. All these lead to self actualization, the last step, which will help people excel at their job if these qualities are fulfilled.
  • Theory X and Y

    Theory X and Y
    Theory X and Y were introduced by Douglas McGregor. Both are managerial theories that changed the way managers viewed in overseeing their business. Theory X is more strict with deadlines and not focused on creativity, whereas Theory Y has more motivation from its employees because of high creativity.
  • Total Quality Management

    Total Quality Management
    Also referred as TQM. TQM is detecting and getting rid of errors in the organization to ensure quality as a whole in order for the organization to run smoothly. It involves the input of everyone in an organization to fully meet customer needs and requirements. Managers try to improve company as a whole.
  • Theory Z

    Theory Z
    Introduced by William Ouchi, Theory Z is focused on loyalty and having people stay at their job for better performance. Managers took it as if people were sufficed at their job and their job fulfilled all of their needs, there was no reason to leave. Managers would save money on training new employees.
  • Blended Learning

    Blended Learning
    Blended learning was an approach to connect learning online as well as in person. Managers used this by training their employees by virtually training/teaching employees as well as doing in person training at the jobsite.