
By 2161901
  • 2000 BCE

    Hercules is born and turned into a mortal

    Hercules is born and turned into a mortal
    1 Exposition: This event is part of the exposition because it was Hades plan to kill Hercules, but his servants could not finish the job and it sets the story to Hercules can become a hero.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1980 BCE


  • 1999 BCE

    Hades’ Plan

    Hades’ Plan
    Exposition 1: This is exposition 1 because, Hades learns from the Fates that in 18 years a planetary alignment will allow him to locate and free the Titans to conquer Olympus, only if Hercules does not interfere.
  • 1998 BCE

    Every One Thinks Hercules is Bad

    Every One Thinks Hercules is Bad
    Exposition 2: This is exposition 2 because, Hercules knocks down a city center by trying to help people in the city. It sets Hercules to go to the Zeus temple.
  • 1997 BCE

    Hercules Has a Plan

    Hercules Has a Plan
    Exposition 2: This is exposition 2 because Hercules goes to the Zeus Temple and prays to Zeus to tell Hercules where he belongs. Zeus tells Hercules that Hercules belongs on Mount Olympus, but he can't until he proves his true heroism. He needs Phillititis to teach him. Hercules then comes up with a plan to become a true hero.
  • 1996 BCE

    Hercules Finds Phillititis

    Hercules Finds Phillititis
    Exposition 3: This is Exposition 3 because Hercules is told by Zeus to go find Phillititis in order to teach Hercules how to be a true hero. Phillititis refuses, but Hercules convinces him and he teaches Hercules how to be a true hero.
  • 1995 BCE

    Phillititis Refuses to Help Hercules

    Phillititis Refuses to Help Hercules
    Exposition 2: This is Exposition 2 because Phillititis refuses to help Hercules because he doesn't believe that Hercules will make a difference in the world. Phillititis believes Zeus is not Hercules's father.
  • 1994 BCE

    Hercules Has His First Fight

    Hercules Has His First Fight
    Exposition 3: This is exposition 3 because, Hercules hears a Damsel in distress and goes towards the screaming. He is confronted by the river guardian and fights him, first embarrassing himself and then proving himself worthy of being able to fight the monster.
  • 1993 BCE

    Hercules Talks With Meg

    Hercules Talks With Meg
    Exposition 3: This is exposition 3 because, the damsel-in-distress was Meg and he thinks that she is beautiful. They have a talk together.
  • 1992 BCE

    Hercules Goes to Thebes to Prove His Worth

    Hercules Goes to Thebes to Prove His Worth
    Exposition 3: This is Exposition 3 because, everyone rejects Hercules until Meg comes with another problem! Hercules saves the day and everyone in Thebes believes that he's a true hero.
  • 1991 BCE

    Hercules Defeats Hades' Defenses

    Hercules Defeats Hades' Defenses
    Exposition 3: This is Exposition 3 because, after Hercules defeats the Hydra, he defeats all of Hades' defenses and helps all of ancient Greece.
  • 1990 BCE

    Hades Convinces Meg to Betray Hercules

    Hades Convinces Meg to Betray Hercules
    Climax 1: This is climax 1 because Meg convinces Hercules to play hookie for a evening and tries to figure out his weaknesses and couldn't find any. Hades is mad to know that Hercules does not have any weaknesses and Meg is happy that Hercules does not have any weaknesses and, she is falling for Hercules. This is important because it leads up to the sacrifice that Hercules makes.
  • 1989 BCE

    Hercules Makes a Deal With Hades

    Hercules Makes a Deal With Hades
    Climax 2: This is climax 2 because Hercules makes a deal with Hades and sacrifices his strength in order to save Meg. Hades promises that Meg will be safe. If she gets hurt Hercules will regain his strength. This leads up to climax 3 Because Hercules is forced to fight a cyclops and in the end Meg sacrificed her life to save Hercules.
  • 1988 BCE

    Hercules Fights the Cyclops Destroying Thebes

    Hercules Fights the Cyclops Destroying Thebes
    Climax 3: This is climax 3 because, since Hercules gave up his strength to save Meg, Hades could open a rift at the bottom of the ocean so that the Titans could come out and rein down on Mount Olympus and Thebes. Meg was trying to convince Hercules to stop fighting the Cyclops, but Hercules would not give up. This leads to the primary climax because Mount Olympus is being bombarded with the Titans and is falling to Hades’ control. Meanwhile. Meg sacrifices her life to save Hercules.
  • 1987 BCE

    The Titans Conquer Mount Olympus

    The Titans Conquer Mount Olympus
    Primary climax: This is the primary climax because, Hercules got his strength taken away and he cannot help Mount Olympus. Mount Olympus is under attack by the 4 Titans. Everyone has been captured on Mount Olympus! This leads to climax 4 when Meg sacrifices her life for Hercules. Hercules goes to the river of death and saves Meg from dying eternally.
  • 1986 BCE

    Hercules Saves Meg From the River of Death

    Hercules Saves Meg From the River of Death
    Falling action 1: This is falling action one because, Hercules goes to save Meg from the river of death. The fates are trying to cut his string of life but at the last moment he becomes immortal meaning that he is a true hero and he punches Hades into the river of death. This leads to falling action 2 because, now Hercules can go to Mount Olympus and join his mother and father.
  • Hercules and His Friends Return to Thebes

    Hercules and His Friends Return to Thebes
    Final resolution: In the final resolution, Hercules and his friends watch Zeus etch Hercules’ image into the stars for his heroism.
  • Hercules Saves the Day

    Hercules Saves the Day
    Resolution: Now that Hercules is a true hero he can join his mother and father on top of Mount Olympus. He chooses not to go on top of Mount Olympus because, he wants to stay down on Earth with Meg and become her husband. Still immortal with his super strength, he becomes a protector of Earth.