Moving around
Maria moves around with her parents who are Cultural Anthopologists. She has adopted so many different cultures by age 9 that she doesnt know which one to adapt to. She knows her parents identfy mostly with an American culture, but she doesnt know what she identifies as. This is Erickson's fifth stage, identity vs. confusion. The crisis here is Maria is confused about which culture she should identify most with. -
Johnny never has any say in what his daily or extracurricular activities are. He is 13, but has never been allowed by his parents to make his own decisions. He gets grounded any time he does something without his parents approval. This is Erickson's second stage, autonomy vs. shame and doubt. The crisis here is the child is not able to develop a sense of individuality or self distinction from others. -
Helping others
Eric goes on a ride along with his local police department. He sees police arrest a man who was beating his wife. He made the decision to work toward being a police officer so he could help others in need. This is Erickson's seventh stage. The crisis here is seeing someone's life in danger and feeling compelled to help. -
Marriage Reluctance
John, 24, is reluctant to talk to his girlfriend of 2 years about marriage when she brings it up because he isnt sure if he wants to commit to something so serious. This is Erickson's sixth stage, intamacy vs. isolation. The crisis is the fear of being committed so someone for the rest of his life.