Broken Ankle
Brian broke his ankle when he was riding his bike. -
The Secret
He found out what his mom was cheating on his dad with some blond guy. -
Plane Crash
The plane's pilot had a heart attack and died. Brian tried to steer the plane but it ran out of fuel and he crashed into the lake. -
Driving to the Airport
Brian's mom drove him to the airport and gave him a hatchet. -
After Crash
Brian wakes up and he is sore from the crash. -
The bear
Brain is gathering some berries when he spots a bear behind him. -
The Missed Plane
Brian saw a plane and tried to get it's attention but it didn't notice him. -
The Cutting
After Brian had missed the plane he started cutting him self and he wished that he would die. -
The Fire
Brain builds a fire for the first time. -
The Porcupine
Brian is sleeping when I porcupine walks into his shelter. Brain woke up and scared it. Then the porcupine stung him. -
The wolf
Brain is gothering berries when he hears a wold and sees the wolf standing at the edge of a cliff looking at him, -
Brain catches fish
He finally caught some fish with an arrow that he had made with his shoelace and some wood. -
Brian catches a foolbird
He catches a foolbird and cooks it and eats it. -
The Moose
Brain is down by the lake washing the foolbird off and a moose comes and beats him up. -
The First Feast Day
After Brian catched the foolbird he decides to have a feast. -
There's a tornado!
There's a tornado and everything gets ruined. But Brian sees the planes tail sticking up oit of the water after the storm is over. -
Brian retrieves the Survival Kit
He remeber there is a survival kit inside of the plane and he goes to retrieve it. -
Brian gets Rescued
Brian gets rescued by a pilot that heard him over an emergency transmitter. -
Brian looks through the survival pack
He finds a lot of things like freeze dried food, a hat, and an emergency transmitter.