Plane Crash
The plane ran out of fuel and it went down.. Brian tried to land it but he couldn't control it. -
Pilot has heart attack! D:
Pilot starts to have gas then grabs his shoulder and says "My chest! My chest is coming apart! " -
Brian swims out of the lake.
Brian is getting out of the lake to shore, he was confused. It all felt like a dream. When he got to shore he had a terrible head ache and couldn't stay awake. He kept passing out, Each time, he would think about "The Secret". -
Gut Cherries
Brian needed some food and so he saw some birds eating cherries so he picked some But, they made him sic and he threw up. He named them "gut cherries" -
The Secret
All Brian could think about was "The secret". Which was his mom cheating on his dad. He couldn't sleep thinking about it. -
The Shelter
Brian had found shelter near the lake he had crashed in. -
The Bear
Brian went out to find something better than the gut cherries. He found a patch of fresh raspberries. But in the distance was a big bear.. It saw Brian but kept feasting on its berries. Not minding him. -
The Procupine
One night while Brian was sleeping he hear a noise and something stank very bad. He was awakened by it. then he kicked his leg and a porcupine let its sticks out in his leg! -
The Fire
When the porcupin ehad sticked Brian he threw his hatchet at the shelter wall. And when he did that it made a spark. Brian needed a fire desperatly. When that had happened Brian knew what he could do. With his hatchet he discovered how to make a fire. He used small strips of trees. -
The Missed Plane.
Brian had built up a sort of bon fire on top of a stone the hightest he could. For if a rescue plane came he could use that for a signal. Brian was sitting down by the lake and he heard engines. He ran up ti his fire too light it. But it was too late. The plane turned around.