The Secret
Brian was at the mall and saw his mom with another guy. He was sad to know that they weren't just friends that they were dating. That was when he realized that this was the secret that was tearing his mother and father apart more and more every day. The sad thing was that his father did not know about this other blonde headed guy that was his wives nhew boyfriend. -
before the plane ride
Brian was siting in the car with his mom before the plane ride to his dads house. Brian's mom then gave him a gift of a hatchet. -
the plane ride
On the plane ride the pilot had a haert acttack making Brian fly the plane -
The Crash
Brian's plans then were to keep the plane flying untill he found a lake to crash into. He did, climed onto shore and built a home. -
It was the frist day after the crash and Brian found red berries that he called gut berries. His frist food. -
The Bear
When getting the berries Brian saw a bear he stop in his tracks looking at the bear. But the bear just ate some berries and left. -
Brian walked around the lake and found a rock that hung over a dich. Brian called this home. -
The Porcupine
Brain i his new home asleep heard something come in. He felt a pain in his leg. He trew his hachet at the wall sending sparks everywhere. -
Brain found some birds that he could get close to where he can catch and kill and eat. -
Brain had made fire by hitting the hachet on a stone in the wall. Brain had hope now that he had fire. -
The Missed Plane
Brain was out hunting foolbirds when he heard a plane but when he got back home the plane had already gone. -
The Wolf
Brian was out just litening when he saw a wolf. Standing on the hill. But the wolf just left Brian alone and walked off. -
The Cutting
Brian had had it. He was done with his new home and life. Brian used his hatchet to cut his wrist. He lied there waiting for death but death was not ready for him. -
The Moose
Brian was out getting some food when he went to the lake and then he saw the moose. The mooose then ramed onto him knoking the breath out of him. The moose keeped attacking him every time he would try to get away from the moose. -
The Torndao
Brain just got back from the moose attack to his home when he heard the wind pick up. It took Brian a liile time to find out that a torndao was comming but it was too late. The Torndao was here. -
The First Feast Day
Brain found out that the torndao picked up the plane with the tail up in the air. Brian wanted to swim to the plane to get the survile pack. Brain then went out to the plane and swam into it and grabed the pack and brought it back to shore. -
The Rescue
Brain just got the pack and back to shore he then started to cook the food. Brain heard a plane. The plane landed right in the lake and a man got out of it and took Brain back home to his mom and dad.