Hatchet Timeline

By Auveed
  • Plane Crash

    Plane Crash
    This scene is by far the most important scene in the book. If this crash didn't happen the whole book would change and Brian would get home to his father safely. Basically in this scene the pilot and Brian were still up in the air and the pilot taught Brian how to fly the plane, until the pilot started passing gas and having chest pain, if you didn't know these are symptoms of a heart attack. Instead of Brian trying to fly the plane, Brian waited for the gas to run out.
  • Brian's First Shelter

    Brian's First Shelter
    This shelter was as Brian exclaimed, "his second luck." He decided to make his shelter close to the lake and he luckily found a stone overhang to make a lean to on. This changes Brian's journey by allowing him to sleep safely and have somewhere to call home. If this book did not allow Brian to have a shelter, the book would not change with drastic measures but it would make the book slightly shorter.
  • The First Berry/ Piece of Food

    The First Berry/ Piece of Food
    This scene of the book is also very important because without the berries Brian would go hungry and probably starve to death. In this scene Brian was very lucky because a flock of birds led him right to the food source close to his shelter. He tried them and sadly hated them because of their bitterness but then remembers that it was his only source of food for now. This scene changes Brian's journey by allowing him to not scavenge for food and put his priorities on other things.
  • The Raspberries and The Bear

    The Raspberries and The Bear
    In this scene the Brian finally found the berry he loved, raspberries, But there was a downside. He wasn't alone. Little did he know that he was sharing the raspberries with a black bear. When he noticed the bear he ran out of there but then he thought about it and found out the bear didn't want to hurt him because if he did, the bear would have by now. This scene is important to the book because now he has something that allows him to be happy while he was eating.
  • The Sparks!!

    The Sparks!!
    In this scene Brian decided that he ate to much gut cherries and couldn't get up. Brian threw his hatchet at the wall of his shelter and the hatchet surprisingly made sparks. This scene is important because without it Brian would have never found out how to make a fire.
  • The Porcupine Attack

    The Porcupine Attack
    This scene is right after the spark scene and put Brian to a scene of horror. A brief summary of the scene would be that the sparks hit his legs and in horror he saw the porcupine in his shelter looking straight at him. Turns out that the porcupine had put quills in Brian's legs. This affects Brian's journey negatively because now he had to focus on pulling out all the quills while he could be doing other things. This event is important to the book because a animal had just attacked him badly.
  • The Fire!!!

    The Fire!!!
    This scene in very important to the book because Brian now has a fire that could help him with many things. This scene also helps Brian's journey because he now has a fire to keep all the animals and bugs away. He made this fire by using his hatchet to make the sparks and using the birch bark and oxygen to keep the sparks alive to make a fire. With some trial and error he finally made the fire he needed and called the fire a friend.
  • The Turtle Eggs

    The Turtle Eggs
    In the scene Brian look at the sand and digs because to him it looked a bit unusual. To his surprise found turtle eggs, about a dozen of them and was filled with joy. He thought of the eggs as food and ate six. He was now full, and happy. This scene is important to the book because he now had another food source that wasn't just berries.
  • The Search Plane

    The Search Plane
    The search plane.... This is a very sad scene in the book because the search plane didn't find him. Brian was doing the tasks he was supposed to do until he heard a plane engine near him. Brian made a S.O.S signal with fire and went as fast as he could. They didn't see it. This put Brian into depression and Brian cut his hand with that hatchet. This affects Brian's journey by making him stay in the wild for a longer period of time and if the plane would have found him the book would've stopped.
  • The First Fish

    The First Fish
    This scene is where Brian catches his first fish, as the title says. He caught the fish by using his bow and arrow he made by using his tennis laces and wood he carved with his hatchet. He had many trials and errors but he finally caught one and ate it. This is important because Brian now has a source of white meat.
  • The Remodeling

    The Remodeling
    In this scene Brian decided to make a better, stronger shelter. He took apart the old shelter and instead made something close to a woven basket. With this shelter he installed something new. A trap for fish or a way to store food live. He trapped them by leaving some old dead fish bones as the bait. This helps Brian's journey by allowing him to access food easily and have a stronger shelter so no animal could probably get in.
  • The Death of the Foolbird

    The Death of the Foolbird
    This scene is where Brian finally kills a foolbird and eats. For this, it didn't take a second try. After he killed it he pulled the feathers and skin of the bird and cut the neck, wings and tail feathers with his hatchet. He cooked the bird by sticking a spear into it and roasting it on the fire with him turning it. Brian said that this was like nothing that he had ever had before, it was delicious. This is an important part in the book because now he has access to meat.
  • The Moose

    The Moose
    The moose could have killed him. The moose hit him and hit him and hit him again and wouldn't let him go. Whenever Brian moved he got hit until the moose let him crawl into a tree. The moose only came to chew on a lily root and then left. His ribs hurt bad and almost couldn't breath. This scene affects Brain's journey negatively because Brian is now injured and now can't take the pain.
  • The Tornado

    The Tornado
    A tornado. The worst thing that could've happened and right after Brian almost got killed by a moose. Everything. Gone, His tools his shelter his food. Everything. Everything was gone, and Brian was now back to square one. He had nothing. Nothing. The only good thing? He found the helicopter tail.
  • The Safety Pack

    The Safety Pack
    Brian finally found the safety pack. How did he get to it? He simply just swam for two hours to the helicopter and dented it until it was enough for Brian to get in and take the safety pack. There were all types of goods in there but the best one? Food. There were packs full of food! Before Brian decided to be careful he decided to have a feast. The most important thing in the safety pack was an emergency transmitter.
  • The Rescue!!

    The Rescue!!
    Brian was saved! It turns out that someone heard his emergency transmit call and came. Brian was so stunned he didn't know what to say. He was having his feast with the food in the safety pack and said, "would you like something to eat?"