hatchet timeline

By eg bad
  • may 30 1985, The secret

    his dad and mom divorce because his mom kissed a random man
  • june 1 1985, Plane crash

    He is heading to his dad's place in northern Canada, while on the plane the pilot has a heart attack and Brian tries to take control and crashes the plane into an L shaped lake.
  • june 2 1985, Building a shelter

    Brian decides to build a shelter and finds the ideal location for it one day while searching for food. He comes upon a cave-like structure burrowed into the side of a cliff. He then intertwines branches acrosss the opening to make a mostly effective wall to block off the wind.
  • june 3 1985, Brian Stumbles across food

    Brian goes on a search for food because he is literally starving. He sees some birds perched on bushes so he goes over to investigate. Brian then comes across some berries that the birds were eating and tries them. He has now found his first source of food that he needs to survive.
  • june 4 1985, Bear incounter

    Brian after looking around the area by his "house", he comes across some rasberries. He is delighted by his find because the previous berries that he had found were too bad tasting to his liking and he was sick of them. He continues to eat them, when all of a sudden he hears a noise off to his right. He turns to look and there about ten feet from him is a giant brown bear. He is petrified by the sight and stays completely still. The bear luckily moves on without conflict.
  • june 5 1985

    Brian while sleeping in his makeshift home wakes up to a noise and movement by his feet. His naturally reation to this is to lash out with his feet and throw his precious hatchet towards the noise. Thats when he feels a sharp pain in his leg and looks down to see barbs from a porcupine sticking out of it. He then has to pull them out.
  • june 6 1985, Fire

    Brian finds out that by striking his hatchet against the rock in his cave it creates sparks. He then gets the idea that this could be used to make a fire, which he really needs. He then goes out in search of fuel to make it with and after numerous trial and errors he finds the perfect fuel source, birtch peelings. He is then able to create a fire which makes his chances of survival to go up.
  • june 7, 1982 Signal fire

    Brian thinks its a good idea to make a signal fire for when a plane fly's overtop of his "house" he can quickly light it so the plane will hopefully pick him up. He places the fire above a rocky overhang above his house.
  • june 9 1985, PLANE

    Brian was out looking for food. when he was in the middle of looking a plane flew overtop of him. He drops everything and quickly runs back to his shelter. He lights his signal fire but he's to late the plane flew overtop of him.
  • june 10 1985, Remodel

    A skunk snuck into his shelter and sprayed him one day. He decides to remake his shelter more animal proof and weather proof. He does this by replacing the smaller branches with bigger ones, he also weaves thin but flexible branches between each one of the big branches. He makes a food shelf too.
  • june 11 1985, Moose attack

    Brian when looking for food, he gets attacked by a moose. It charges him and repeatedly headbutt's him in the stomach, he has to play dead in order for it to leave him alone with the excruciating pain it was hard to do that. When the moose left he grabbed his bow killing it with a strike to the head
  • june 12 1985, Tornado

    One night, Brain is awaken by a really loud noise that he descirbes, as sounding like a train. He then looks outside and sees a tornado. Brian is completely helpless and the tornado tears his home apart and ends up launching his supplies into the lake where they are lost forever. Brian now has to start over from scratch.
  • june 13 1985, Survival pack

    The tornado switched the plane postition in the water making is more accessible. Brian decides to go down to the plane to pick up supplys. He stripes down to his underwear and dives into the lake. When he reaches the plane he cuts a hole in it with his hatchet and grabs the survival pack wich contained 7 days of food and water, a gun and medical supplys.
  • june 14 1985, Rescue

    When Brian was looking through the survival pack he saw a rescue transmitter. He uses it wich notifys rescuers to his location. He had been there a total of 54 days.
  • June 8 1985, First fish

    Brian is having a hard time finding food so he decides to make a spear with his hatchet. He heads to lake to catch a fish, he spent hours trying to do this then he decided to make a bow. he carves one out of a log and uses his shoe lace as a string. He uses the spear and the bow to kill the fish.