Hatchet Final Project

  • Beginning and the end

    Brian is a 13-year-old New Yorker whose parents are divorced. His mother is driving him to the airport where Brian is to get on a Cenna-406-bush-plane to go visit his dad in the northern part of Canada. After a few hours in the air the pilot has a sudden heart attack and Brian is left to fly the plane. The plane runs out of fuel and now Brian is now left to fly the plane and crash land this plane on water. His life has changed as he knows it, he is no longer a city boy, he is alone!
  • Home Sweet Home

    Home Sweet Home
    The next day he woke up in wet clothes and he was thinking how lucky he was to be alive. It took an hour or more (Pg 34) to absorb his surroundings. As he looked around at the trees and rocks, he noticed a rock with an overhang. He thought that it would be a good place to make shelter. So off to work he started to build his shelter. He gathered fallen trees, branches, sticks and leaves.
  • Gut Berries

    Gut Berries
    After three days Brian decides that he needs to go look for food since he has already made his shelter. So, he begins to walk into the forest to look for berries to eat. As he was walking, he remembered a show where a pilot was on a survival course, and he mentioned berries on bushes. (Pg 56) then he saw what he called gut berries that were bright red big as grapes and in a bunch. He started eating them and could not stop. Even though he was full he was still hungry. (Pg 60) he then made a
  • Hatchet=Fire

    As Brian was sleeping in his shelter he was awakened by a rotten smell. (Pg 74) He then heard a slithering sound brushing near his feet. (Pg 75) His reaction was to throw the hatchet, but he missed. then it was all like 100 needles had been driven into his skin. (Pg 75) the porcupine had left after that, and Brian pulled all the needles out. Brian fell asleep and had a dream about his father and best friend Terry. His dad was mouthing something to him, but he could not hear or understand.
  • Turtle Eggs

    Turtle Eggs
    Several days later Brian is sleeping in his shelter, and he hears a strange noise outside but cannot see what it was. The next morning, he sees some tracks in the sand. He follows the tracks and sees a pile of sand (Pg 93) and leaves with his sins. He began to dig, and he uncovered 17 turtle eggs. He then realized that a snapping turtle made the tracks. His stomach tightened and his eyes demanded food. (Pg 94) so he reached into the nest and grabbed the eggs. He remembered his uncle Carl
  • A “Plane look back”

    A “Plane look back”
    Brian was making a bow to hunt for food but then he heard a whine that caught his attention. He tried to figure out the sound and then it came to him. It was a plane; he quickly ran to the fire to make it smoke so the plane could see it. However, this did not work, and the plane flew away turn around Brian thought look back. (Pg 111) he was alone once again.
  • Skunk Attack

    Skunk Attack
    At this point it has been 47 days since the crash. (Pg 115) Brian has made a shelter, found berries and eggs to eat. He has made fire with a hatchet. He also encountered a bear, a porcupine, foolish birds, fish and a wolf. Brian has now to meet up with a skunk that went into his shelter and is eating his eggs, that he was saving. Brian tried to get the skunk out but was sprayed in his eyes.
  • Insane Cow

    Insane Cow
    After Brian killed a fool bird he was on his way to the lake when something caught his attention from the forest. Before he knew it a “brown wall of fur” Ran toward him like a runaway truck.(Pg141) As soon as he realized it was a moose it took him in the left side of his back and then threw him in the water. (Pg. 141) The moose did not give him a second to fill his lungs before she drove him down in the mud. (Pg. 141) Brian felt her horns pressed his face deeper in the mud. Then suddenly
  • Low Roaring

    Low Roaring
    After being attacked by the moose, Brian went to sleep but not for long. He was awakened by a low roaring. a different sound that he has not heard before. To comfort himself he got the fire going again but that didn't help. So, he got his spear to feel safe but that didn't help. (Pg144) Brian turned back to a memory of something he read and saw on television. He put it together wind, sound of a train, low belly roar, and darkness, it was a tornado! (Pg145) in a matter of minutes the wind,
  • Coming Home

    Thanks to the tornado Brian was able to find a Survival kit in the plane. Once Brian gets the Survival kit, he finds several items such as: a sleeping bag, cook set, first aid kit, and many other things. However, the most important item was the small electronic device- emergency transmitter. (Pg171) Brian activated the transmitter not knowing. (Pg174) A short time later a plane located Brian. it has been 54 days that Brian has been missing. He's going home a different Brian, physically,