Hamlet is on his way back from his school in London to attend his fathers funeral. Hamlet learns that his mother ,Gertrude has just married Claudius (his uncle). -
Old Hamlets ghost
Horatio, Hamlets good friend explains to hamlet that his fathers ghost has been seen around the castle. Old Hamlets ghost explains to Hamlet that he was murder by Claudius and commands him to get revenge. -
New Hamlet
In order for Hamlet to get revenge he must change his ways. He is now acting crazy. Polonius believes it is becasue Hamlet is in love. Polonius decide to spy on hamlet to prove that Ophelia is the reason for his change. -
Look who's in town
The king invites Rosencrantz and Gildenstern, Hamlet childhood friends over to try to bring back the oldhamlet up but they fail. So the king arranges for these players to come over and perform at the castle.
Players are actors -
Hamlets Idea
Hamlets decides to have the players react the scene of his fathers murder. Claudius reaction well inform hamlet on whether or not Old Hamlets ghost was telling the truth. -
To Be or Not to Be
Hamlets plan is going well expect that again he starts thinking about death and suicide. Does he really want to murder his unlce? Is it better to be alive or dead? Yes life is unfair and painful but somehow it still can be worst. -
Lights Camera Action
Hamlet decides to watch the play with Ophelia but begins acting all weird, creepy and gross. While the players were acting out the murdering scene Claudius jumps up and screams. Proving that heh is gulity and Old Hamlets ghost was telling the truth. Hamlet has now decide to keep going with his plan. -
Polonius No More
After Cluadius leaves, his wife tells Hamlet about how hurt and awful he's feeling. Meanwhile, He hears Polonius hiding behind a curtain and Hamlets stabs him thinking that it Claudius. -
Hamlet Go Back to school
Claudius who feels threaten bu Hamlets decides to have him send back to his school in London. On his way he sees Prince Fortinbras of Norway who's on his way to Denmark and to fight for his lost territories. After witnessing this Hamlets decides once again to go on with his revenge. -
Laertes is furious at Hamlet for all the drama that he has caused his family that he to now wants revenge.HIs sister Ophelia could not handle everything that was going n inculding her fathers death that she drowns herself. -
Friendly Duel
Claudius convinces Laerts to have a friendly duel with Hamlet. Laerts must use a sharpen poison sword in the battle. They will trick Hamlet into drinking some poison wine if he wins the battle. -
Wicked Hamlet
On Hamlets way back to Denmark he find a letter that his friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were caring stating that Hamlet must be killed. Hamlet changes the names of the letter to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Ordering that they must be killed. Yes end up being dead.Hamlets escape by going on a Pirate ship. -
Let the Battle begin
Hamlet returns and is told about the duel. The duel begins with everything in the favor of Claudius till Gertude drinks the poison wine. Laertes hits Hamlet with the poison sword. Hamlet manages to take the sword striking him back and killing him. Hamlet also forces Claudius to drink the poison wine and stabs him. -
Horatio enters wanting to murder his ownself becasue of all that he has just witness. Hamlet tells him that no he must live on. Everyone needs to knows about what just happen. Hamlet dies. Prince Fortinbras of Norway arrives to the bloody scene and declares himself king.