Hachet Time Line

  • Plane Crash

    Plane Crash
    Brian Plane Ccrash in a lake wen the pilot had a heart attack
  • The Secret

    The Secret
    The secret that briyan kept to him self about his mother and another man
  • Gut cherrys

    Gut cherrys
    this is the day he found gut cherrys
  • Found Rassberry

    Found Rassberry
    found other food
  • The Moose

    The Moose
    the moose attack Braiyan
  • The first feast day

    The first feast day
    wen he found the gut cherrys
  • The Bear

    The Bear
    The bear took Braiyans berrys
  • The Wolf

    The Wolf
    While Brian searches for foolbirds, as he calls the chicken-like birds he discovered that his instincts were telling him that some creature lurks nearby and at the moment he spots and sees a big beautiful wolf,
  • The Foolbirds

    The Foolbirds
    Brayian has bin trying toncach some foolbirds
  • Cut Him S elf

    Cut Him S elf
    While Brian searches for foolbirds his instings were telling him that a big animal was near by and then he cut him self with the Hachet.
  • Fire

    Brayian knows how to make fire with the hachet
  • Turrtle Eggs

    Turrtle Eggs
    Brian feell sosmething in the sand and it was a turrtle and it ha deggs and Brayian hate the eggs and hide them
  • The Fish

    The Fish
    Brayian was fish and was puting them near the water near the lake .
  • The Rescue

    The Rescue
    Wen they rescued Braiyan from the wildness