12,000 BCE
Cultivation begins
Cultivation begins in 12,000 BC with Wheat and Barley meaning people were re-planting the crops that were healthy and produced the most -
2500 BCE
Neat-O Fact #1
The earliest archaeologically verified potato remains have been found in central Peru, dating to 2500 BC -
Mar 9, 1500
Neat-O fact #2
Sweet potatoes were grown from potatoes -
Gregor Mendel
Period: to
Gregor Mendel's experimants
between 1856 and 1863 Gregor Mendel tested with pea plants to see if he could make specific traits appear -
Neat-O Fact #3
During the Alaskan Klondike gold rush, (1897-1898) potatoes were practically worth their weight in gold. Potatoes were valued for their vitamin C. And gold, at that time, was more plentiful than nutritious foods! (https://www.potatogoodness.com/potato-fun-facts-history/) -
DNA Becoming More Understood.
Watson and Crick discovered using X-ray diffraction and math, the double helix of DNA (Deoxyribose nucleic acid), Creating a path for genetic modification. -
Monsanto hires John Franz to create a herbicide that targets weeds now known as Roundup. -
Boyer and Cohen
Period: to
DNA Splitting Created
Biochemists Boyer and Cohen Create a way to split specific strands of DNA and attach it to other organisms strands of DNA. -
Period: to
A New and Improved Method of Genetic modification
Allan Maxam and Walter Gilbert created and published a new method of genetic modification that involved chemical modification of DNA and subsequent cleavage at specific bases. -
First Genetically engineered crop
Company Monsanto becames the first to geneticaly modify a plant. -
First scientifical GM plant
Monsanto creates the first GEO plant though a soybean plant later allowing plants like potatoes, cotton, rice, sugar beets, sugarcane, and tomatoes to be modified to be herbicide resistant Alowing better yeilds. -
Fish Tomatoes
DNA Plant Technology gets approved by the US Department of Agriculture to field test Fish-tomatoes but the never caught on commercially. (I doubt this goes on the vegetarian menu) -
Time to Choose
The information I have provided has given the power of a choose your own story and you must decide for yourself, are gmos safe!!! -
Present day
People argue whether they are safe or not and still ponder their potential uses. -
reading if you want.
From the beginning of farming and cultivation, people would take and replant the biggest healthiest plants in hopes for a better harvest next year, little did they know they were genetically modifying the crops. Now they didn’t do it quite like we do today but they were. The best way to explain it is natural selection if it has a trait that is good it continues but if it has a trait that is bad that trait dies off. -
Period: to
The Future
you never know what the future may hold. It could be good it could be bad, but for GMO I feel that it could be good. With the newer technologies like CRISPER, we might be able to remove unwanted genes. this may remove thing like allergies all togeather. We may also be able to cure diseases like HIV/Aids, Cancer, and more that are genetical diseases. -
reading (Continued)
The first person to purposely modify plants was a priest by the name Gregor Mendel, now know as the father of genetics. He took pea plants and would cross pollinate to try to get certain traits. This was the beginning of genetical modification testing. Genetic modification didn’t change much until 1986. In 1986 scientist took a tobacco plant and inserted the genes of a firefly in it to make it glow, but it didn’t stop there they also put that gene into mice. -
Some More Reading
The first thing that it has effected is that i will never trust goat’s milk or cheese again. Ok but seriously, With the use of built in pesticides the use harmful pesticides has decreased majorly, but insects are starting to grow a resistance to the pesticides built in and soon the dosage or pesticide must change and this make cause GMO’s to be toxic to human or other animals. Second is that corn cotton and other plant have increased in size allowing for more cotton products. -
More Reading
Since then scientists have made it so that there are plants with increased size and different advantages like built in pesticide, drought resistance, and cold resistance, as well as animals with special qualities in their products including but not limited to human growth hormones in milk, spiderweb in goat's milk, and sheep and pig milk has been modified to have a human blood clotting gene to help treat hemophiliacs who have trouble stopping their bleeding. But what has this affected? -
Even more reading
The third is, are GMOs changing dietary chooses.
In many of the crops that are genetically modified have the genes of animals injected in them does that make it so that are no longer vegetarian or vegan. It depends on who you ask. I believe that the GMO is now part animal and no long vegetarian or vegan because it is now part plant part animal. Another effect it could potentially have it to be able to take the gene out of certain thing that people are allergic to and make them able to eat it. -
With the information I have provided has given the power of a choose your own story and you must decide for yourself, are gmos safe!!!