Gideon's Reign

By rez
  • Gideon Approached

    Gideon was working and an angel came to him. Gideon asked why the LORD left them. God himself then commanded Gideon to save Israel from Midian.
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  • Ask For a Sign

    Gideon asked God prove that it was really Him. So he made the LORD a dinner and placed it on a rock. An angel of the LORD came and touched the food with his staff and it burst into flames.
  • 2nd and 3rd Signs

    Gideon told God if it was really Him to make a piece of wool on the ground wet with dew and the ground around it dry. God did as he requested. He then asked if he would do the opposite. The LORD again fufulled Gideon's request.
  • Gideon's Army Reduced

    Gideon's Army Reduced
    God told Gideon that the army was too big to fight, because if they won the would boast. Gideon announced if any were scared to leave, and 22 thousand of them left. It was still too big so he took them to the water to see how they drank. Those who drank like dogs were to be seperated from those who drank normally. The ones who drank like dogs,300, were to fight, and the rest were sent home.
  • Gideon Eavesdrops

    The LORD sent Gideon and his servant down to their enemy's camp. He heard the dream of one man and the interpretation (the dream was the sword of Gideon taking the whole camp of the Midianites) he went and worshiped the LORD.
  • The Attack

    The Attack
    Gideon divided the army into tree groups instructing them to do just as he does at the edge of the camp. When they got there they shouted "A sword fo the LORD and for Gideon!"
  • The Flee and Pursuit

    The Midianites ran from the Israelites and God caused them to turn against each other when the trumpets of the 300 sounded. Israelites of Naphtali,Asher, and all Manasseh chased after them. Messengers were sent to Ephriam to cut off the Midianites. They did so and caught two of their leaders, Oreb and Zeeb, and killed them. Then they took their heads to Gideon by the Jordan.
  • Gideon Questioned

    The Ephraimites asked why he did not call for their help instead of calling on Ephriam. He explained to them he knew their ability and could not compare to them and in using them he got the heads of Oreb and Zeeb.
  • Bread?

    Gideon and his 300 men, though exhausted still pursued the Midianites. They stopped in Sukkoth for bread and told them he was chasing after Zebah and Zalmunna. They questioned why they should give them bread and he told them when he does get them he will tear their flesh wih desert thorns and brisers.
  • Chase to Death

    Gideon finally caught up to Zebah and Zalmunna and told them if they would not have killed his brothers, they would not have to die. He then commanded his son to kill them but he was affraid. The two leaders said to do it himself and he did so.
  • Denies Rule

    After he killed the men of Midian the Israelites were greatful and wanted him and his sons to rule. He turned them down and told them that only God will rule. They gave him their earings and he made it into an embroidered garnment and set it in his town Ophrah.
  • Death of Gideon

    Gideon died at an old age with 70 sons and many wives. While he was alive there was peace for 40 years but as soon as he died the Israelites went back to their old ways.