George Washington JR

  • Augustine Washington

    Augustine Washington
    He was George Washington's father was born in 1694
  • Mary Ball Washington

    Mary Ball Washington
    She is George Washington's mother and was born in 1708 Lancaster county Virginia
  • Martha Washington

    Martha Washington
    She was born on June 21, 1731, and died on May 22, 1802
  • Birth

    George Washington was born in America and would play a major role in its independence.
  • baptism

    He was baptized on April 5, 1732
  • school

    I picked school because he never got a formal education he was only home school when he was a kid and never went to college.
  • surveyor

    he was one of the youngest people to be a surveyor he was a surveyor for Culpeper County Virginia
  • step son

    step son
    he was Washington stepson and Martha Washington's real son
  • Step daughter

    Step daughter
    Martha Parke Custis is Washington's stepdaughter and Martha Washington's real daughter
  • house of burgesses

    house of burgesses
    He was elected to the house of burgesses on July 24, 1758
  • married

    I picked this event because he was the first president to marry a widow
  • Planter/Famer

    he tells you what he was before he was president
  • Step son married

    Step son married
    he was married to Eleanor Calvert on Mount Airy
  • first congress

    first congress
    he was elected for the first congress
  • military

    I think it is important to mention his military background because he is one of the major causes we did not lose the revolutionary war.
  • escaped kid nappers

    escaped kid nappers
    George Washington escaped kidnappers when he was the commander in chief of the continental army
  • treaty of paris signed

    treaty of paris signed
    it was signed to end the revolutionary war
  • President's political party

    President's political party
    Washington had no political party
  • borrowing money

    borrowing money
    George Washington borrowed money to get to his first inauguration.
  • 57 days short

    57 days short
    George Washington's first term was 57 days shorter than it should have been.
  • president

    this is important in our history because George Washington was the first president in the history of the united states and he helped set up the government we know today.
  • vice president

    vice president
    his vice president was John Adams and was the second president
  • religion

    his religion was episcopalian
  • Treasury department established

    Treasury department established
    it is important because it regulates all the money in the United States
  • Vermont

    George Washington made Vermont a state in the united states
  • bill of rights

    bill of rights
    it is important because he made the bill of rights apart of the constitution
  • Kentucky

    Washington made Kentucky a state in the united states
  • Tennessee

    I think it is important because he made Tennessee the 16th state
  • declining a three term

    declining a three term
    He declined a three-term so he put the country before himself
  • Death

    he died because of a throat infection called quinsy he died in his home mount Vernon and was later buried there.