Geoffrey Chaucer

  • Jul 2, 1345

    Geoffrey Chaucer's birth

    Geoffrey Chaucer's birth
    Geoffrey Chaucer was born in 1345 to his father John Chaucer a merchant. His family lived in the prosperous import section of London. This was a very exciting and diverse place to grow up and it would have an influence on Chaucer's work later on in life. (Broooks/Wolworth 223)
  • Period: Jan 1, 1347 to Dec 31, 1349

    The Black Death

    Throughout a short three years since the Black plauge arrived in Europe it had catasterous results in Europe with statisticts that are hard to believe. One of those statistics is that by 1349 the black plague had killed almost one-third of all the people in europe. People didn't understand the disease and it would kill many, many more people in Europe and beyond. (Gram 194)
  • May 16, 1352

    Ibn explores the Sahara

    Ibn explores the Sahara
    In 1324 Ibn Battuta left his home and went on a thirty year journey discovering and doing many things along the way, and also going many places. in 1352 Ibn was one the first people to explore the Sahara desert in the Middle East. (Ibn Bahutta.)
  • Period: Jan 1, 1355 to Dec 31, 1357

    Chaucer's first job

    Chaucer got his first job as a page in the house of the kin's daughter in law's house. This job was secured for him by his wealthy and affluent father. This position helped set Geoffrey on a life filled with success. ( Brooks/Wolworth 223)
  • Period: Jan 1, 1357 to Dec 31, 1358

    Geoffrey's rank is raised to squire

    Cahucer moves up in the world brcoming a squire. Chaucer is one of the new type of squires since you must no longer be a knight to become a squire. Geoffrey is also one of the first well educated squires as most could not read or write while Chaucer could and could also speak French and English. ( Brooks/ Walworth 225)
  • Period: Jan 1, 1359 to Dec 31, 1359

    Chaucer occompanies the army to France.

    One of the first things Chaucer did in his new role as squire was that he accompanied the English army when they went to france. While there Chaucer was kidnapped and held for ransom. The English paid a subsantial ransom amount of what would be 5,000-6,000 dollars todayto get Chaucer back showing just how much Chaucer was valued by tyhe English. (Brooks/Wolworth 228
  • Period: Jan 1, 1360 to Dec 31, 1365

    Chaucer gets married

    it is not known exactly but somewhere in the early 1360's Chaucer was married to Phillipa de Roet. She was tye daughter of a powerful Flemish king. His wife's father was attached to a court and gave Geoffrey some powerful friends. ( Brooks/Walworth 230)
  • Period: Jan 1, 1364 to Dec 31, 1364


    In 1364 tha aztec capitol of Teotihuacuan was finished being built. It was home to over 25,000 aztecs during its heyday. It was the one spot where all aztects would meet up and have rituals. (Gram 194)
  • Dec 14, 1368

    Yuan dynasty overthown

    Yuan dynasty overthown
    In 1368 after almost a hundred years the Yuan dynasty was overthrown. The dynasty that overthrew them was the Ming dynasty. The Yuan dynasty was the last Mongol emire before the Chinese Mings. ( Gram 195)
  • Period: Jan 1, 1374 to Dec 31, 1374

    Chaucer becomes an important man.

    During this year Chaucer moves up a rank in society and the world again. In 1374 Chaucer becomes the Comptroller of customs and substances such as woods, skins, and hides. Geoffrey now must also move dirctky into London now due to his new important position. ( Brooks/Walworth 332)
  • Period: Jan 1, 1378 to Dec 31, 1400

    The Great Schisim

    Durin the latter part of Chaucer's life something big called the Great Schisim started. The Great Schisim started in 1378 and was when France did not like or agree with the Italian Pope, so they appointed their own Pope. For over 68 years the two countries would argue that their Pope should be in charge of the church, aslo both Popes declared authority over the enire church. This resulted in a split between the church, one side with one Pope, and one side under the other. ( The great Schisim)
  • Period: Jan 1, 1385 to Dec 31, 1385

    Chaucer completes a masterpece

    Geoffrey, after a long time of working finally finishes his first masterpiece "Thoilus and Criseyde". This is a 4,000 line epic peom that talks about a slodier in the Trojan war. It is said to be one of the first books to be so complex and have such a deep understanding of human emotion. It was so widely popular that it was asked to be read aloud at King Richard's court. (Brooks/Walworth 334)
  • Period: Jan 1, 1386 to Dec 31, 1386

    Chaucer moves

    In 1386 Geoffrey moves out of the place he has lived his whole life, London, into the countryside. Geoffrey also becomes a knight of the shire which is a new rank. Chaucer wrote that it was harder for him to write in the country. ( Brooks/ Walworth 238)
  • Period: Jan 1, 1386 to Oct 25, 1400

    Chaucer becomes the father of English writing

    During this 14 year period Chaucer writes his most complete, successful, and well known book, The Canterbury Tales, which is also one of the most famous books ever. This very book helped define how every book after it was wriiten. The book was written into seperate tales of many people on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. This book is so special because it includes all types of people, poor, rich, and inbetween, which was very uncommon for Chaucer's time. The tales were well known.( Brooks/Walworth239
  • Jan 1, 1398

    Delhi gets sacked

    Delhi gets sacked
    In 1398 the powerful Indian cit Delhi was sacked by the Timur led by Tamerlane. Tamerlane thought that he and the and Ghengis Khan were related so he saw the Khan's old empire as his rightfully, so he set out to take it back. During this he took parts of Syria, Iraq, Persia, Afghanistan,and Russia that were in the Khan's empire back. When he sacked Delhi his army killed most of the people there. ( Fry 155)
  • Oct 25, 1400

    Chaucer dies

    In 1400 Geoffrey Chaucer died at age 55-57 which was pretty old seeing how he lived at the same time as the black plauge. It was a well known fact when he died because he was so famous he was basically a househould name. He was barried in a large abby in London following his death. (Brooks/Walworth 341)