Freedom Riders
The Freedom rides were a fight to end segragation in the interstae travel. Both white and black particiated in the Freedom Rides. Many buses were bombed by the KKK. -
March on Washington
The March on Washington also called the Million man March the march was led by MLK here he also held the famous 'I Have A Dream Speach." -
Assanation of Malcom X
Malcom X was all for segragation he thought that black and whites should stay apart. He was apart of the Nation of Islam and they are the ones who killed him in broad day light while he was on stage. -
Selma March
The Selma matches were marched from Salmen to Montgomery the state capital when they arrived they were greeted by police and the state. -
Assination of MLK
MLK was assinatinated on a balcony with three other conpanions
It has been said that he was killed by James Earl Ray but the accused claims he didn't pull the trigger Martin's son believes him.