Chinese Population
The Chinese numbered over sixty thousand in the U.S. and made up 10% of California's population. Important: First thing that angered Americans that started their feud with immigrants. -
A New Law
An agreemnet that halted the inflow of chinese for ten years became the law during Chester Auther's presidency. Important: The halted inflow of chinese immigrants allowed America to focus on Japanese immigrants. -
Japanese immigrants began arriving in America for the same reasons other immigrants had come in the past. Important: More immigrants come to America. America got mad started putting laws against immigrants. -
Americans Question Japanese Americans Loyalty
J.A. destroyed anything suspicious, of disloyal, stayed off streets, listened to radios, and waited in their homes. Important: Shows we are not united, and shows we are looking out for the security of the people. -
Bombing of Peral Harbor
Stunned J.A. and others through U.S. -
FBI Round-Up
FBI agents take them for questioning, after barging into their houses. Important: Deciding factor if they should create internment camps for the suspects. -
Excutive Order
It made the army relocate all persons of Japanese lineage as well as others who might threaten the security of the country. Important: It decided the fate of many people's life the next few years. -
Moving Madness
Preparing to move, posibility of arrest and imprisonment, and terse commands given to J.A. before their move. Important: Japanese americans lost their freedom, privacy, and dignity during this move. -
J.A. began reporting to the control centerson their signed evacuation day. Important: Japanese finally got released and proved innocent. -
Storage and Sales
J.A. burned their funiture or smashed their china instead of selling it for a low price because they were getting a small fraction of what it was worth. Important: Americans didn't respect them, assuming they evaded their security.