frederick's birth day
This is the day I was born. I was born at 7:16. My parents had their 3rd and final child. -
Fred's dog was born
Fred had a dog but there was actually 5 of them. Sadly three survived. There names are Sassy(fred's),Big Boy and andre. -
Fred learns about power rangers
Fred's sister teaches him about a show called power rangers. He learns about it during summer. It's about teenagers thats super heroes with gigabtic robots called zords. They can form together to make a megazord. There are 23 power rangers shows now and he loves them all. -
Fred went to disney at his 5th birthday
Fred came to disney world at his 5th birthday and had lots of fun.He went to a pool and played video games. It was the best day he ever had. -
Fred's sister goes to college
Fred's sister goes to Uofm Flint but lives in Detroit.Fred is devastated but gets the hang of it. when he has breaks now he visits her. but now she has a internship at her dream job' Disney World. -
Fred comes to gesu for the first time
Fred came to Gesu Catholic School.He came for Ist grade. He came late but still loved the school. -
Fred has his first lemonade day
He learns and celebrate a holiday named lemonade day. His aunt helped. Now he does it every year. -
Fred came to disn ey world for christmas
Fred goes back to disney world for christmas. He plays with his toys he got for christmas. He also went to his favorite park, magic kingdom. -
Fred's sister gets an internship for Walt Disney World
Fred's sister graduated from collage. Now she got invited to be an engineer at disney world. she is so excited and she gets a discount everywhere. -
Fred went to troy to visit a freind
Fred visits a freind named Danny in Troy. They had fun and freinds, Eli, and Jonathan. He hopes They can do it again.