Fredrick Douglass was Born.
When Fredrick Douglass was born there was alot of seperation and confustion. He was seperated from his mother and sisblings. The only faimly he actually knew was his grandmother. From what he heard he was a mixed slave. People told him that his father was probably his mother's master. That made his family life very confusing. -
His Mother Died and he was Sent to a Different Plantation
This had to be a hard year for Frederick Douglass. His mother had passe, but that might have not affected. Reason being, is because he never knew his mother. They were seperated at birth so he never really knew her, but it still might have had an effect on him. He was also bonced from master to master that year as well. -
Asks Sophia Auld to teach him to read.
Sophia Alud was willing to teach Douglass how to read. I feel like she did not see the harm of teaching a slave to read, i had no affect on her that she knew of. Sophia Alud did not grow up with slaves so she did not know the "rules". Her husband later informed her that slaves can not have the ability to learn to read because then they would over throw there masters. So she stopped teaching him but that did not stop him from teaching himself. -
-23 Raised by grandmother Betsey Bailey at Holme Hill Farm
The time he spent with His Grandmother was very important. She was the only family she knew . He was seperated from his mother and never knew his siblings. Basically he never had much of a family. He saw his birth mother a few times during these years but not so much. -
Sent to St. Michaels, Maryland, where he works for Thomas Auld. Tries to teach other slaves to read .
Frederick Doglass knew how to read and write. Knowing the two skills made him different compared to other slaves. He decided what good is his talent if he can not teach others. So, he gathered a group and tought them everything he knew about his skill. He continues to teach them to read and write until he is caught by Auld. -
For Teaching the Other Slaves to Read and Write he is Sent to Covey
As a punishment Auld rents him out to Edward Covey. Covey was known as " The Slave Breaker". He would break your slave in exchange of your slave working on his plantation. Breaking a slave means that he would crush their sould and sprits so that they are lost and all they could do is listen to their master. But, Frederick broke te slave breaker and Covey did not whipped him for a very long time. -
Hired out to work for William Freeland
Douglass was hired out to work for William Freeland, a Talbot County, Maryland, farmer. Who secretly organizes Sunday school and teaches other slaves to read. At this point in the story Douglass begins to relize his importance. People looked up to him and counted on him. I think that that motivated him to become someone not just another slave. -
He Planned His First Escape
A slave's escape is a very(from what I have heard) big step. For a man such as Frederick Douglass it was very important . He was willing to think of himself as important and as a human being. He would work like everyone else and not have to be robbed of his money . I feel like he knew that he would be fine because he knew how to read and write which made him different from every other slave. He acsually had an heads up on the world. -
Worked on Shipyard and Learned More Reading and Writing
Douglass did not enjoy his time at the shipyard. The time he spent there was very exausting. He also felt over work because he was the assistant to all 75 men who worked on the shipyard. Sometimes he would have over ten people giving him commands at the same time. The one thing he did enjoy was how much there was to read. During that duration of time his reading and writing improved. -
Death of Douglass
Frederick Douglass dies suddenly from a heart attack after speaking at a meeting.It was a major loss for our country. But, we still remember how much he changed history. It is sad that his death did not mean much to people during those days. But ,as time went by we began to value him more and more each and everyday.