He was born on December 4, 1892 in Ferrol, a small Galician city, and he was the second of the three children of his parents named Nicolás Franco and Salgado-Araújo and his mother María del Pilar Bahamonde and Pardo de Andrade. -
Franco's wedding
Franco had become the most promising military man of the moment and also one of the most decorated when he returned with a forty-day permit and Royal authorization to marry. The wedding is celebrated on October 23, 1923, in the church of San Juan el Real, in Oviedo.He got married with Carmen polo. -
How Franco took the power
Politically, Franco came to power after a coup that led to the Civil War (1936-1939), and led Spain for almost 40 years. -
Franco in the power
On October 1, 1936 Franco formally became Head of State. It was the first time in the history of Spain that someone held that title, which placed absolute power in their hands. He would not release it until his death, thirty-nine years later. -
Conquest of the Basque territories and Asturias
In 1937 Franco won the Basque territories with the help of Germany and Italy. -
The beginning of Francoism
On April 1, 1939, the Spanish Civil War ended, beginning the period of the Franco regime that placed Francisco Franco as Head of State until his death in 1975. -
"His own grave"
When franco won the civil war he created the valley of the fallen in honor of the dead soldiers of the civil war where they were buried, and when he died he was also buried there, in other words he built his own tomb because he knew that he was to be buried there. -
Hendaye Interview
Interview held between Franco and Hitler during the course of World War II for the Spanish participation in the international conflict. -
Appointment of the successor to the Head of State
Franco proclaimed Prince Juan Carlos in full Cortes as his successor as Head of State, thereby ensuring the continuity of the monarchy after his death -
His death
Francisco Franco officially died on November 20, 1975 at the age of 82 after a long and painful agony in which he was subjected to three life or death interventions in a matter of two weeks