Forrest Gump EC

  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    When Forrest was a young kid his mom would use their large house as a hotel and as people traveled they would stay the night. One night Elvis stayed over as he was traveling and he sang "Hound Dog" one of his more well-known songs for Forrest, Forrest danced along to the song. Soon after as he and his mom walked down the street Forrest saw Elvis performing the song using the moves forest danced with.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    Forrest Gump played football at Alabama during college and made the All-American first team so he got to meet the president. JFK was the president at the time so that is who he got to meet. He then talks about how JFK got assassinated and about how his little brother did also(RFK). Gump is very condusef why they were shot.
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    When Forrest is home again he finds Jennie and goes to a Black Panther party with her. He is the odd one out there, jennie gets hit and he defends her starting a little scuffle. The Black Panthers were a violent black rights actavists during the 60's.
  • Hippies

    After Forrest returns he is pulled into a huge hippie protest/meeting where people cover the area surroiding the reflection pool. He then stands up and speaks. At the time hippies were very common and they were agaistn the war and wanted it to be over. They were layed back and wre heavy on the use of drugs.
  • Gump Joins Military

    Gump Joins Military
    After Forrest's amazing college football career at Alabama he is asked to join the military by an officer. He says yes and joins. At the time the Vietnam War is occuring so he then is sent to fight in Vietnam. Also he meets a new friend Bubba who is a shrimp fisherman but he was drafted into the war. This is not very surprisind due to of him being African American.
  • Vietcong

    After Gump landed in Vietnam he and his troops were walking threw the jungle searching for enimies. The rain then stopped and it became super nice and sunny then out of no wear bullets flew and bombs were everywhere. The Vietcong started attacking the American troops. Gump survives but his friend Bubba he finds shot and very wounded, soon after Bubba dies in Forrests arms.
  • "It ain't me"

    "It ain't me"
    The song "It ain't me" by CCR is played as Forrest Gump is on the helicopter on his way to Vietnam to fight in the war. The song talked about how all the poor or minroties in america had to go to war but the rich and high ranked officials did not need to.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Forrest Gump was given the opurtnity to upgrade to a room in the Watergate hotel by president Nixon. He accpeted the offer to stay there but one of the nights he Forrest noticed across the hotel multiple people with flashlights and compalined he could not sleep becuaser of it. The lights came from the presidents men doing illegal things with the help of Nixon. Nixon later resigns knwoing he is guilty.
  • Apple

    Apple was invented during Forrest Gump's life and later decides to invest in there stock. He makes a good chunk of money off of it. Originally he thought it was a fruit company, not a technology company. Apple is now one of the leading technology companies worldwide created by Steve Jobs.
  • Jenny Dies From Aids

    Jenny Dies From Aids
    During the 80's the AIDS epidemic became very prominent. AIDS is an STD that is not curable and is very dangerous. They are not very clear in the film but based of the time and how jennie acted you could tell Forrests besfriend thorugouht his life had passed away from AIDS.