
  • First Fingerprinting

    First Fingerprinting
    Henry P. DeFORREST pioneers the first systematic use of fingerprints in the United States by the New York Civil Service Commission.
  • First Blood Test

    First Blood Test
    Oskar and Rudolf ADLER develop a presumptive test for blood based on benzidine, a new chemical developed by Merk.
  • FBI established

    FBI established
    American President Theodore ROOSEVELT establishes the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
  • First Police Crime Lab

    First Police Crime Lab
    Edmund LOCARD, successor to LACASSAGNE as professor of forensic medicine at the University of Lyons, France, establishes the first police crime laboratory.
  • U.S. Crime Laboratory in Los Angeles

    Edmund LOCARD, successor to LACASSAGNE as professor of forensic medicine at the University of Lyons, France, establishes the first police crime laboratory.
  • Kidd Blood Grouping System

    F. H. ALLEN and colleagues first describe the Kidd blood grouping system.
  • Identifying the Structure of DNA

    James WATSON and Francis CRICK publish landmark paper identifying the structure of DNA.
  • Invents Sobriety Test

    R. F. BORKENSTEIN, captain of the Indiana State Police, invents the Breathalyzer for field sobriety testing.
  • Time of Death Papers

    Time of Death Papers
    De SARAM further publishes important papers on time since death.
  • Red Cell Adenylate Cyclase

    R. A. FILDES and H. HARRIS first identiy the polymorphic nature of red cell adenylate cyclase (AK).
  • Forensic DNA profiling

    Forensic DNA profiling
    Police in the UK first use forensic DNA profiling.
  • First DNA Testing in the U.S.

    Dna testingIn People v. PESTINIKAS, Edward BLAKE first uses PCR-based DNA testing (HLA DQa) , to confirm different autopsy samples to be from the same person. The evidence is accepted by a civil court. This is also the first use of any kind of DNA testing in the United States.
  • Procedure for the Analysis of Drugs

    LEWELLEN, McCURDY, HORTON, and ASSELIN, LESLIE, McKINLEY publish milestone papers introducing a novel procedure for the analysis of drugs in whole blood by homogeneous enzyme immunoassay (EMIT).
  • First court case using DNA evidence

    First court case using DNA evidence
    Australia's first court case involving DNA evidence. In an ACT court, Desmond APPLEBEE is convicted of three counts of sexual assault. APPLEBEE changes his defense from "I wasn't there" to "the woman consented" after a blood sample matches him to DNA extracted from blood and semen on the victim's clothes.
  • First National DNA Database

    The world's first national DNA database commences operations in the UK on 10 April 1995.