Finals Project

  • Progress Report 1

    Charlie has a chance to be selected for an operation which makes him smarter and has been told by Dr. Strauss to write down his thoughts and to remember everything that happens to him.
  • Rorschach Test

    Charlie was given a Rorschach test by Burt. Charlie couldn't see anything in the Rorschach pictures and that he only saw spilled ink on paper.
  • First Race with Algernon

    Charlie is brought to see a mouse which they named Algernon which has been tested to pass through mazes. Charlie was asked to race against the mouse to get to the end of the maze first. Charlie was beat by the mouse multiple times.
  • The Operation

    Charlie had the operation done on him and is not showing any immediate changes.
  • Charlie beats Algernon

    Burt Selden tells Charlie that he managed to beat Algernon in the maze, Charlie loses the second time because he was too excited, but then beat him 8 more times.
  • Change

    Charlie seemed to have changed overnight; In this progress report he calls himself a dope, learned punctuation by himself, and realized the flaws in his past writing. Miss Kinnian described this as a plateau.
  • The Party

    Charlie was invited to a party by Joe Carp and Frank Reilly. Joe had him dance with a girl. Charlie didn't know he was getting tripped by people until he finally fell. He was mocked and ran out of the apartment.
  • The Movie

    Charlie felt love for Miss Kinnian and they went to see a movie. Later when he confesses his love for her, she rejects him stating they have no right to put their relationship on a personal emotional level.
  • Charlie is fired from the bakery

    Charlie was fired from the Bakery because the others disliked how he changed and how smart he became.
  • Charlie meets his father

    Charlie went to see his father at this barbershop after remembering the name and other details. Charlie got a haircut from him and tried to see if his father remembered him, but he didn't. Charlie got anxious and ended up leaving without just telling him his name.
  • Algernon-Gordon Effect

    Charlie writes a report on the mental regression effect of the operation and sends a copy of it as a letter to professor Nemur. Algernon's data showed signs of mental deterioration and Charlie knows that his intellect will regress too.
  • Charlie meets his mother and sister

    Charlie went to his mother's apartment, but had to chase her. Eventually he caught up and was able to talk to her, but she kept forgetting things because she was senile. Later Charlie's sister came to the apartment and they spoke. His mother grabbed a knife and threatened him when she saw his sister crying while hugging him. Nobody got hurt and it was time for Charlie to leave.
  • Charlie returns to the bakery

    Charlie has went through a full mental regression. Mr. Donner allowed him back into the bakery. His arm was being twisted by an employee named Klaus, but Joe grabbed and threatened him. Joe, Frank, and Gimpy were all willing to help him. They could've gotten Klaus fired, but Charlie didn't want him to lose his job because he had a wife and kid.
  • Charlie Leaves

    Charlie forgot he wasn't being given classes at the adult center anymore so when he said he was ready for the lesson, he upset Miss Kinnian; Making her cry and run out of the room. Charlie packed his things to leave and try to become smart again. He left his progress reports to tell everybody goodbye and left with one last note; To put some flowers on Algernon's grave.