24782 list

Final Project

  • First American Boxing Champion

    First American Boxing Champion
    John Sullivan is the first American Champion. He was both the last Bare-Knuckle heavyweight champion and the first Gloved Boxing champion. He is recognized as the reinvigoration of fighting as a major sport, taking after gladiators from ancient Rome. He retired with a record of 47 wins, 1 loss and 2 draws. John will remain in history as the first fighter to have his fights in the press. His fight against Kilrain received national coverage of the fight.
  • First African Boxing Champion

    First African Boxing Champion
    Jack Johnson was an African American fighter who fought during the height of Jim Crow. Jack Johnson was more that just a boxer but he was also an amazing fighter of racism and prejudice in the US. He married a white-woman who would help him with a restaurant for only people of color. He was forced to flee the country after he was threatened with jail time for being married to a white woman. Although, his impact in the US is still felt today as we see more and more African Americans box.
  • The First Major Boxing Promoter

    The First Major Boxing Promoter
    'Tex' Rickard was a non Texan, Missouri born, promoter in the 1910's-1930's who was the first person to promote boxing and fighting in general. Due to his promotions of boxing fighters were able to earn more and more money. Boxer's do not have a salary. Boxer's take percentages of the total event income. With more promotions comes more income which lead to people like Jack Dempsey making the first millions from Boxing.
  • Legalization of Professional Boxer

    Legalization of Professional Boxer
    Walker Law was made in New York so that Fighters could fight more safely and with more regulations. After New York accepted the Walker Law other states quickly followed. Before the law, fights could go forever and did not mandate a medic around. These regulations meant before Walker Law people could literally be beat to death in the ring and nothing would happen suite.
  • The Dempsey Empire

    The Dempsey Empire
    Jack Dempsey was a fighter and farm worker who quickly took over boxing in the US. Jack Dempsey was often times accused of cheating due to the raw power he could generate in his punches. He then ran through the entire nation gaining a record of 58 wins, 6 draws and 9 loses. He was undeniably the best fighter of the 20 and start of the 30's.
  • The Massachusetts Monster

    The Massachusetts Monster
    Rocky Marciano, the undefeated heavyweight of the 40's and 50's, was famous for being small and stocky. He is now recognized as the best fighter to mimic for smaller fighters. Rocky was later Popularized by the hit series "Rocky" featuring Sylvester Stallone. Rocky is often considered in the question of who is the greatest fighter of all time.
  • The Start of A New Era

    The Start of A New Era
    Mohammed Ali. Mohammed Ali. Formerly known as Cassius Clay, Ali is often regarded as the Best fighter in and out of the ring. He both ran the Boxing scene for 20 years as well as fought for rights. He was imprisoned for not going to war in Vietnam. He did not believe in the ethics of the government and some of the decisions made by them and was one of the first mainstream African Americans to do so. Ali is also regarded as one of the people who started the African American reign over boxing.
  • The Greatest of All Time

    The Greatest of All Time
    Mike Tyson is the best fighter to ever fight in boxing. Mike is also the First fighter on this timeline to still live today. Mike Tyson was able to take the best most effective tools from his predecessors and form an almost unbeatable defense. Mike Tyson, through aide of Cus D'Amato at a young age, used the Peak-a-Boo style first made by Rocky in the 1940's. Mike Tyson now raises pigeons and instructs people on how to fight healthily. Fighting not out of anger but of passion.
  • The Greatest Boxer with 1.5 Ears

    The Greatest Boxer with 1.5 Ears
    Evander Holyfield was the fighter who had his ear bitten by Mike Tyson in 1997. Evander Holyfield is a great fighter who during the 90's ruled the boxing world wit his adept use of reach. Holyfield is a good example for new fighters to mimic as a taller fighter to use arm length to an advantage. There was also a large amount of praise toward Holyfield as people began to take hold in Y2K.
  • The First Champion in the New Century

    The First Champion in the New Century
    Lennox Lewis was an underrated fighter in the beginning of his career. After beating Mike Tyson and later 3 heavyweight titles he was considered one of the best. Still a lesser known champion Lennox now commentates on boxing events and has his own gym. Lennox Lewis was born in England but would often times come to America to fight hero's which would greatly effect how the world saw American fighting.
  • Mixed Martial Arts Starts to Rise

    Mixed Martial Arts Starts to Rise
    Dana White was bankrupt in 2000 and worked as a bouncer at clubs and bars until he bought a dying organization. He then made magic happen and made the UFC one of the most recognized sport organizations. Dana White invites fighters from all around the world to come to arena's all around the world with the largest and most popular arena in Las Angeles. Dana White although is currently criminals underpaying fighters as the first fight organizer to not offer percentages but instead static wages.
  • The MMA Menace

    The MMA Menace
    Anderson Silva is a prime example of a great fighter in mixed martial arts. Silva is Brazilian born and has the record for longest held title in the UFC. He is a perfect example for fighters who prioritize kickboxing and playing around the range of kicks. He influenced people like Israel Adesanya to take over the UFC. He is also part of the division where international fighters preform better than American fighters.
  • The International King

    The International King
    Wladimir Klitschko is the last boxer on this timeline. Klitschko is a gargantuan fighter who is a prime example of the downfall of American fighting. Klitschko is a Ukrainian born heavyweight who has been winning against almost all the US fighters since his start in professional fighting. He retired with a record of 64 wins and 5 loses. He is currently in the Ukrainian Army and has been since 2021.
  • The Decline of American Fighters

    The Decline of American Fighters
    Khabib Nurmagomedov is a prime example of International fighters taking the main stage in America. Khabib, the master of clench and grapples who retired when his father passed away from covid, was the most notable fighter in the UFC. The best American Fighter in the UFC currently is Dustin Poirier with a record of 28 wins and 7 losses and is the only American in the Top 15.