
Famous Scientists

By WHE0017
  • Period: 384 BCE to 322 BCE


    384 - 322 BCE
    • He is famous for his work virtue
    • He admired the work of Socrates
  • Period: 287 BCE to 212 BCE


    287 - 212 BCE -He discovered how to find out the area and circumference of a circle
    -He invented the lever
  • Period: Mar 7, 1452 to Mar 7, 1519

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    1452 AD - 1519 -He painted the Mona Lisa
    -He drew designs for a submarine
  • Period: Mar 7, 1564 to

    Galileo Galilei

    1564 - 1642 AD
    • He discovered four moons that orbit Jupiter
    • He had a beard
  • Period: to

    Isaac Newton

    1642 - 1727 AD -He saw an apple fall from a tree which led him to developing the laws of the universe
    -He created Calculus, one of the main branches of mathematics
  • Period: to

    Maria Sibylla Merian

    1647 - 1717 AD -She was a talented German artist
    -She was one of the first to observe live insects rather than preserved specimens
  • Period: to

    Thomas Edison

    1847 - 1931
    • He invented the light bulb and the camera.
    • He took a total of 1093 patents
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    Marie Curie

    1867 - 1934 AD -She discovered polonium and radium
    -She led the first studies with radioactive isotpes in the treatment of cancer
  • Period: to

    Lise Meitner

    1878 - 1968 AD
    • She didn't get enough recognition in science even though she was on eof the main contributors of the twentieth century
    • When Austria was annexed by Germany, she fleed as a refugee
  • Period: to

    George Hitchings

    1905 - 1998 AD
    - Earned his PhD in 1933
    - He put two thirds of his time to Science
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    Maria Goeppert Mayer

    1906 - 1972
    - She discovered that the protons and neutrons inside an atom are arranged in shells
    - Theoretical Physicist
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    Gertrude Elion

    1918 -1999 AD
    - She was an assistant to George Hitchings
    - She developed the first chemotherapy for leukaemia in children
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    Stephen Hawking

    1942 -
    • He sat in the same chair as Isaac Newton - The professorial chair
    • He appeared in Star Trek and The Big Bang Theory.