427 BCE
(427 b. C. - 347 b. C.)
He is one of the most influential in modern Europe thinking philosophical, he retained all his works,, by introducing a new style of novel for that time: dialogue -
384 BCE
. Aristóteles
(384 a. C. - 322 a. C.)
He was the first scientist and researcher of all time, whose influence has lasted for two thousand years. It was all a scholar, a wise,logical and scientific in the ancient Greece. It is recognized as the first founder of the logic and biology. -
Cristóbal Colón
(1436 - 1506)
His greatest achievement and success was the discovery of America by the West a 12 of October of the year 1492 -
William Shakespeare
(1564 - 1616)
He was a poet, playwright and English actor, recognized as the most important writer of the English and one of the most distinguished authors of universal literature. His reputation did not reach the worldwide success well into 19th century -
Isaac Newton
(1643 - 1727)
Mathematician, philosopher, Alchemist, English physicist and theologian. Author of "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia teach, which describes the law of universal gravitation -
Napoleón Bonaparte
(1769 - 1821)
He was a military officer who was able to conquer Eastern and Western Europe reaching North Africa -
Charles Darwin
(1809 - 1882)
He was an English naturalist, avowed as one of the most important scientists in the history of mankind. -
Albert Einstein
(1879 - 1955)
It is a German physicist. the most important and popular 20th-century scientist is considered. In 1905, being still a young known He published his theory of relativity space. Ten years later, he presented the theory of general relativity,which reformulated completely the concept of gravity.