Man Made Famine in South Sudan

By Sandy K
  • Voting

    South Sudan's residents vote to separate from North Sudan.
  • Fighting

    Over 100 people are dead in Jonglei, after rebels and security forces fight.
  • Occupation

    Abyei a disputed region of North and South Sudan, is invaded and held by North Sudan an oil rich state.
  • Peacekeeping

    North and South Sudan agree to remove military forces, peacekeepers are allowed in Abyei.
  • Independence Day

    South Sudan becomes the youngest country.
  • Clashes

    Confrotation of ethnic rivals begin, over 600 people are killed Jonglei.
  • Continuing Clashes

    Over 100,000 flee the state of Jonglei.
  • South Sudan retreats

    South Sudan troops retreat from of the oil fields of Heglig, preventing war with Sudan.
  • Southern boarders

    Fighting in the South Sudan boarder towns between rebels and the Sudan Army, forces over 200,00 to flee the violence and move into South Sudan.
  • Struggle for Power

    The entire cabinet along with the vice president Riek Machar are removed from power by Kiir the president of South Sudan
  • Inflation

    Inflation rises to 42.6%
  • Civil War

    Civil War begins between President Kiir and former vice-president Machar
  • Ceasefire

    A ceasefire was signed by the rebels in South Sudan and is short lived.
  • Riek Machar

    Riek Machar is sworn back in as Vice President of South Sudan, as stated in peace offering.
  • Inflation Rate Rising

    Annual rate of inflation is at 661.3%
  • Reik Machar

    Reik Macher flees South Sudan after fighting starts again
  • Inflation at a all time high

    Inflation rises to 835.7% for October 2016
  • Famine

    Civil war along with the economy is collapsing, leads to famine to be declared in areas of South Sudan.
  • Economy

    Economy collapses
  • Food Shortages

    People flee their homes in the harvesting season, food becomes hard to find, one third of the population is facing food shortages.
  • United Nations

    United Nations is asking for $1.72 billion, for aid to people in South Sudan who have been displaced by war, along with hunger.