
Facts of Louis Braille life

  • Louis Braille born

    Louis Braille born
  • He become blind

    He become blind
  • He got a scholarship in Royal Institution for Blind Youth at Paris.

    He got a scholarship in Royal Institution for Blind Youth at Paris.
  • He met a soldier, who called Charles Barbier. Then he started to work the "Braille System".

    He met a soldier, who called Charles Barbier. Then he started to work the "Braille System".
  • He finisted his system.

    He finisted his system.
  • He published his first "Braille" book.

    He published his first "Braille" book.
  • At his system, he added mathematics and musician symbols.

    At his system, he added mathematics and musician symbols.
  • He dead.

    He dead.
  • "Braille" began to spread, when a team of men took up the cause.

    "Braille" began to spread, when a team of men took up the cause.