F. Scott Fitzerald

  • Birth

    On September 24, 1896 he was born and from then on he wanted to be a rich and famous writer.
  • Catholic School

    He attends a catholic school in new Jersey where he meets his father
  • Princeton

    He enters Princeton
  • Failing out of College

    he Started to have a drinking problem and started to fail a lot of classes and later wrote scripts and lyrics for college musicals and magazines.
  • College

    He went to Pinceton and tried out for the football team but was cut the first day because he was too small so he stuck to writing.
  • Joining the Military

    He dropped out of school to join the military
  • Zelda Left him

    He was makin little money and Zelda wanted to live a lavish lifestyle and so she broke off the engagement and left him.
  • Becoming a Celebrity

    He became a celebrity after his first book and wanted to marry zelda again
  • This side Of Paradise

    This side Of Paradise
    he published the book about the young people at he time and it was sold out by the end ofthe day.
  • His Frist Child

    His Frist Child
    Zelda nad Scott had their first child but did not change their lifestyle and had a nanny for their daughter
  • His second Novel

    His second Novel
    He wrote his second novel, The Beautiful and Damned
  • Europe

    The moved to Europe in the spring so he could right a book he thought would be his greatest achievement
  • Setteling down

    Setteling down
    By this time he had become a heavy drinker and people began to worry about him but he calmed down and started to right The Great Gatsby.
  • To Paris

    The family was devistated due to Zeldas cheating Scott never was really the same and they ended up goin to paris to realese to book
  • Death

    Zelda dies in the hospital where she was staying for mental illness due to a fire.