
Explorers: Dutch/French/British/Early WSR 22

  • Jan 1, 1254

    Marco Polo Epic Traveler

    Marco Polo Epic Traveler
    Marco Polo was a venetian merchant traveler. His travels were recorded which informed Europeans of Central Asia and China. He influenced European cartography leading to the creation of the Fra Mauro Map. In 1923, Polo fell ill and died on January 8, 1324.
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  • Jan 1, 1450

    James Cook Action Taker

    James Cook Action Taker
    James didn't like the trade routes that already exsisted so he decided to explore West for a more direct route with Asia. He later was granted permission to explore the new world by the King Henry VII. He was the first European explorer to discover the mainland of America.
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  • Jan 1, 1491

    Jacques Cartier Certified Indian

    Jacques Cartier Certified Indian
    He was looking for a passage through or around North America to East Asia. He crossed the Atlantic in only twenty days. In his search for the trade route he meet and befriended many indians, ironically a large amount of his men were killed in an indian attack. Click For More Info
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Francis Drake The Plundering Plunderer

    Francis Drake The Plundering Plunderer
    Drake made two different trading routes to the West Indies. He plundered many many spanish ports on his way to find a trade route through the Atlantic. He was knighted by Queen Elizibeth and was known as the frst Englishman to circumnavigate the world!
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  • Jan 1, 1554

    Walter Raleigh

    Walter Raleigh
    He fought Spanish shipping in the in the era of the revolt of the Spanish Netherlands. He became familian with the Royal Court and the queen. He was made the captain of the Queens gaurd. He was later arrested for helping the Spanish.Click For More Info.
  • Jan 1, 1565

    Henry Hudson Captain Discovery

    Henry Hudson Captain Discovery
    Henry discovered a small island off the coast of Greenland called Jan Mayen Island. He played a major role in discovering the Hudson River, and the location that is noe New York City. Henry was killed by a muntiny that left him, his son, and seven crew member on open water in a small boat.
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  • Jan 1, 1567

    Samuel De Chamlain

    Samuel De Chamlain
    Samuel was known as "The Father of New France". He was a navigator, cartographer, soldier, exployer, and geographer. He participated in the exploration and settlement of the first permanent European settlement north of Florida. Click For More Info
  • James Cook Captain Awesome!

    James Cook Captain Awesome!
    James joined the Royal Navy in 1755 and took part in the Seven Year War, he played a major role in caputuring the St. Lawerence River. He voyeged out and maped New Zealand and the East coast of Australia. Cooks later explorations later drastically increased European knowledge of the world. Click for more information
  • George Vancouver Born Leader

    George Vancouver Born Leader
    George served 25 years in the British army. He named every landmark in the Puget Sound. George Vancouver was the first European to enter Puget Sound above the entrance to "miralty Inlet." Click For More Info
  • Leif Ericson Viking Explorer

    Leif Ericson Viking Explorer
    Leif Ericson, was the first ever european to go to North America. He explored Greenland for five years with his father Eric The Red, ande returned to tell their people about it.
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