
  • Jan 13, 1492

    Colombus' first voyage

    Colombus' first voyage
    -looking for india but took another route and found north america
    -thought he found india
    -it was important because he discovered the new world which was north america
  • Feb 18, 1519

    Cortes Voyage

    Cortes Voyage
    -conqured the aztecs
    -it was important because he found gold and he started exploration
  • Jun 2, 1519

    Pineda's voyage

    -first to map the coast
    -he let other people xplore his map
  • Jan 1, 1528

    de vaca voyage start day

    -leader of the expidition was narves
    -purpose was to explore texas
  • Jan 1, 1528

    Devaca discovered texas

    • he was sailing from flordia to cuba and there was a hurricane in the gulf and he ship wrecked on galveston island or somewhere near it
    • he was here 8 years
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Fray Marcos and Estabahn

    purpose- to study the land to the north and verify the 7 cities of gold
    what happened- explored texas and new mexico
    report- told of seeing a city filled with gold larger that mexico city
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Moscoso's expidition

    leader was de soto
    purpose of the expidition was to search for gold
    what happened- discovered the misissippi river
    importance/report- he discovered a river and said dont come to texas it has mean indians, harsh land, and no gold
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Coronado's expidition

    what he was looking for- to find the 7 cities of gold for spain
    2 cities he searched for- texas and arizonia
    importance- he found the palo duro and grand canyons