Explorations timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 1535 to Jan 1, 1541

    French: Cartier

    Explored the Northern part of the new world to find a shortcut to Orient (another word for East) He befriended Iroquoian tribal groups while on his journey. During their journey they are incapacitated with scurvy and frost bite.
  • Period: Sep 1, 1539 to Sep 3, 1543


    Hernando de Soto traveled from Florida to Mexico. While traveling he attacked and pillaged indian villages.
  • Period: Sep 3, 1540 to Sep 3, 1542


    Fransico coronado trekked southwest. his goals wasw the 3G's. he didn't find gold or colonize. He attacked a town killing any resistant and enslaved hundreds
  • Jan 1, 1580


    English financiers became anxious for North American wealth.
  • Period: Sep 3, 1581 to Sep 3, 1582


    Phelipe de Escalante and Hernando Barrado traveled from Mexico to New Mexico
  • English

    Sir Humphreys Gilbert expedition to new founding land.
  • English

    England had sent three expeditions to Roanoke Island on the Atlantic coast and had established a colony there called The Lost Colony.
  • dutch

  • English

    Elizabeth's successor, James I, issued charters to the Virginia Company of Plymouth and the Virginia Company of London to establish colonies along the Atlantic coast from modern‐day North Carolina to Maine. These were joint‐stock companies. Also founding of Jamestown
  • French: Champlain

    French: Champlain
    founded Quebec in 1608. Champlain and 9 French soldiers attack Iroquois shortly after leaving Quebec. He discovered Lake Champlain after the attack
  • English

    John Rolfe introduced tobacco as a cash crop.
  • dutch

  • English

    First ship to bring African slaves to North America
  • dutch

    henry hudson dicovered the hudson bay
  • dutch

    virgin islands
  • Period: to


  • dutch

  • French:Marquette & Joliet

    French:Marquette & Joliet
    Traveled along the Mississippi river to determine if it ran into the pacific and to figure out if the kingdoms of Quivira and Theguaio were real? They found out that the answer to their first question was no, but the second was left unanswered because they did not want to risk capture from Spaniards.