By oriol07
  • 1781 BCE

    John Needham.

    John Needham.
    John Needham was an englan biologist. He born on 1713 and dies on 1781.
    What he tries to prove is the veracity of the spontaneous generation. The experiments that he maked were not enough to prove the spontaneous generation and some years after other scientists make experiments that confirm that the theory of the spontaneous generation was wrong.

    Francesco Redi was an italian doctor. He was born on 1626 and dies on 1697. What he discover was really important for future experiments. He confirm that insects don't born spontaneusly
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    Louis pasteur was an important mathematic, and chemist.
    He was born in 1822 and dies in 1895. He definetly descart the teory of the spontaneus generation by doing some experiments.