Exposition 1 Background: Charlie
Charlie has recently lost his brother, RJ, because he was climbing a tree. RJ is not alive to be at his 8th grade graduaiton, and the principle gives a big speech about him, and how their class went from 17 students to 18 students. Charlie ends up getting RJ's diploma. -
Exposition 2 Setting: Charlie
This takes place in Lindenfield, Monroe County. Charlie's family owns a farm, and a forest is right behind them. There are hunters that hunt when they can in that forest, that's called hunting season. -
Exposition 3 Characters: Charlie
Charlie- a 10-year-old boy who is growing closer to RJ's dog, Sunny
Mrs. Elliot- Charlie's mother, who is more devistated than anyone in the family
Sunny- RJ's dog, who has, since the loss, has started to follow Charlie like she did to RJ -
Rising Action 1 Conflict: Charlie
Charlie's brother RJ, is now dead and the whole family is very sad. Mrs. Elliot is so sad that she has to go away for a while with Charlie's Aunt Susan to try to get better. -
Rising Action 2: Charlie
Charlie is asked to take RJ's place in the Fourth of July parade, and be in the band. Although Charlie will not be playing any music, since he doesn't know it, he still says no. -
Rising Action 3: Charlie
Charlie decides he needs to do something with his boring summer. So, he makes a list, because all he's doing is doing chores for his neighbor, Mr. Hanna. -
Rising Action 4: Charlie
Mrs. Elliot has come home and she is feeling much better than before. -
Rising Action 5: Charlie
It's neen a whole year since RJ pssed away, and even though it makes them sad, the Elliots still remember that day. -
Charlie's dog, Sunny, has been shot by a hunter during hunting season while trotting around all by herself. -
Exposition 1 Background: Bone
Bone and his sister, Squirrel, live in a shed at a house owned by a family, the Merrions. This family doesn't like animals, even though many live in their land. After Bone and Squirrel get older, their mother goes away, but never comes back. -
Exposition 1 Background: Henry
Henry's best friend, Matthew, has recently moved away, and now Henry has no one to walk to school with. Henry would love to have a dog, but his parents won't let him. They will get him all pets except a dog. -
Exposition 2 Setting: Bone
This part of the story takes place at the Merrion's farm, where cats, insects, foxes,possums, squirrels, chipmunks, deer, groundhogs, racoons, and birds lived. Bone's family and the cats were the only ones who stayed out of the Merrion's sight. This farm is in Lindenfield, Monroe County. -
Exposition 2 Setting: Henry
This takes place in Claremont, a very small town. Henry could walk from one end to the other in fifteen minutes, from the elementary school to the grocery store. -
Exposition 3 Characters: Bone
Bone- stray, boy dog who is very adventurous and friendly
Squirrel- Bone's sister, who is very sensitive
Stream- Bone and Squirrel's mother, who is very careful when going about while the Merrions are home. -
Rising Action 1 Conflict: Bone
Bone is happily taken by a woman from the mall parking lot, but the woman and her friend have decided to leave her in the lot. "Someone else will come along soon and find the spotted dog." one woman said. -
Rising Action 1 Conflict: Henry
Henry's best friend and only friend has moved away and Henry is feeling lonely. But, his parents will not let him get a dog, no matter how much he pleads and begs. -
Rising Action 2: Bone
The woman that took Bone from the parking lot, Isabel, is about to have a baby, and she and her husband, Thad, need to leave Bone (he's Simon now) with Isabel's father, Franklin Dobbs. -
Rising Action 2: Henry
Henry decides he needs to prove he is responsible enough to own a dog. He thinks this is the reason his parents don't think a dog is such a great idea. -
Rising Action 3: Bone
The baby Isabel and Thad came home with, Julie, is getting all the attention, except from Thad, who is cleaning up the house. Simon doesn't get enough attention that he almost pees on the floor (he knows not to do this). -
Rising Action 3: Henry
Henry tries again to persuade his parents that he can handle having a dog with out their assistance. -
Rising Action 4: Bone
Isabel and Thad try to get a babysitter to help with Julie and Simon, but learn the best one doesn't like dogs. So, they decide to "give" Simon to Franklin Dobbs, since he lives alone in his apartment. -
Rsing Action 4: Henry
Henry is roaming the streets and finds a dog. He decides this will be his secret dog. -
Rising Action 5: Henry
Henry made a Rehabliltation Plan for the dog he found. -
Rising Action 5: Bone
Franklin had a terrible accident and can no longer live in his apartment. So, Simon runs away and ends up in Claremont. -
Falling Action 2: Bone
Bone is trying to be friendly with Henry, although he takes the cookies and runs away. -
Falling Action 1: Charlie
Charlie is now older, and his son, Henry, is wondering why he cannot have a dog. -
Falling Action 1: Bone
Bone is taking cookies from a boy named Henry. Henry has named him Buddy. -
Falling Action 1: Henry
Henry's family starts to decorate for Christmas, and even though it's been two months, Henry's plan is failing. He had completed three or four steps... out of 10. -
Falling Action 2:
Henry's family goes to his Great Aunt Susan's house for Christmas Eve, and she makes Charlie, his father, tell him why he can't get a dog. That reason is because Charlie doesn't want Henry to suffer the way he did with Sunny. -
Falling Action 3: Henry
Henry starts to realize he will probably never get a dog, since he now knows why his parents don't want him to. -
Falling Action 3: Bone
Bone (Buddy) doesn't come to Henry and eat a cookie for 3 days, and Henry starts to worry about him. -
Falling Action 3: Charlie
Charlie decides he will care for Buddy and will do whatever it takes to get Buddy back for his son. -
Falling Action 4: Bone
Bone has neen in a trap in the woods, and Henry, the boy that gave him cookies, and his dad, Charlie, help him to the vet. -
Falling Action 4: Henry
Henry decides he shouldn't ask to keep Buddy, even though he's stuck at the vet and someone else could adopt him anytime soon. But, he knows it will upset his father, so he doesn't. -
Falling Action 2: Charlie
Charlie finds out about Buddy and decides to help Henry, since Henry tells him that he has been caring for this dog for a while. -
Falling Action 4: Charlie
Charlie thinks about taking Buddy home, for his son. -
Buddy (Bone) gets adopted by the Henry and his parents (including Charlie).