Europe in the XVIIth century

By Unai18
  • Galileo proves the earth orbits the Sun

    Galileo proves the earth orbits the Sun
    In 1595 Galileo proved that the Earth orbits the Sun, years later, he publicated a book about that. Because of that, today we can know that we are orbiting the sun, and not the sun orbitating us.
  • Philip III of Spain

    Philip III of Spain
    Philip III was born in 1578, in 1598 he became king of portugal and spain, but in 1621 he died.
  • 30 years War

    30 years War
    The 30 years war was a conflict in Europe between 1618 and 1648. The war was between Habsburgs and French, both wanted Europe for them, finally French won.
  • Philip IV

    Philip IV
    Philip IV was born in 1605, he became king of spain and Portugal at 1621, in 1640 he stopped being king of portugal and in 1665 he died.
  • Peace of Westphalia

    Peace of Westphalia
    In 1648 the Habsburges and French got in peace with a total of 109 delegations arrived to represent the belligerent states.
  • Charles II

    Charles II
    Charles II was born in 1661.He became king when he was 4
    (1665) and in 1700 he died with 39 years.