Ernest Nagel

  • Birth

    Ernest Nagel was born November 16, 1901 in Czechoslovakia. Later on when Nagel was 10 years old, his family relocated to the United States (he became an American citizen in 1919).
  • Period: to

    Ernest Nagel

    Lifespan Timeline
  • Education and Career

    Education and Career
    Nagel spent his early career years teaching at a New York public school, while which he was studying his undergraduate degree at City of College New York. Later on, he will get his PhD from Columbia University.
  • Logic and Scientific Method

    Logic and Scientific Method
    Nagel learned about scientific logic through his mentor; Morris Cohen while he studied at City College. Where he later focused on the scientific reasoning and later on went to publish "An introduction to Logic and Scientific Method." His publication is said to be one of the foundations of scientific philosophy. Bibliography.
    An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1934. Written with Morris Cohen.
  • Ontology

    In 1945, Nagel would publish work on the concepts of Logic and Mathematics with a molding of logical positivism, a theory that he adapted from his studies in Europe.
  • Naturalism

    Nagel explained his naturalism in 1954, during his speech at the American Philosophy Association, where he defined naturalism as "a generalized account of the cosmic scheme and of a man's place in it, as well as logic of inquiry.." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXWAXtQK6zE