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Erikson Timeline PSY 150

  • Isaac's First Day of Preschool: Initiative vs Guilt

    Isaac's First Day of Preschool: Initiative vs Guilt
    Isaac (age 5) has his first day of preschool. He learns lots about playing with classmates and social rules in the classroom. He also learns he can take initiative and explore. In Erikson's third stage, initiative vs guilt, the crisis is if Isaac is not supported in his explorations he may feel unequipped and eventually guilty.
  • Isaac's last day of 6th Grade: Industry vs Inferiority

    Isaac's last day of 6th Grade: Industry vs Inferiority
    Isaac (age 11) just finished his last day of 6th grade. He has learned so much this year and his circle of influences has expanded from home to teachers and peers. The crisis in Erikson's 4th stage on industry vs inferiority is the feelings of success and industry when Isaac succeeds and negative feelings of inferiority when he fails at something.
  • Isaac's First Job: Identity vs Confusion

    Isaac's First Job: Identity vs Confusion
    Isaac (age 15) just applied and got hired as a cashier at his local supermarket. He has been hesitant about getting a job but decided to apply after his mother encouraged him to explore where he wants to fit into society. The crisis in Erikson's 5th stage of identity vs confusion is finding identity in a healthy manner by asking good questions through adolescence, and not searching for identity which leads to a weak sense of self worth and a foggy picture of the future.