Erikson Timeline

  • Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

    Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
    Leo is two years old has started putting his shoes on by himself. When getting dressed in the morning, he is also picking out the clothes that he wants to wear and trying to put them on himself. In this case, the crisis is between Leo's own autonomy and feeling shameful or doubtful about his abilities. By insisting to do these daily tasks, Leo is gaining autonomy and independence trying to control things in his surroundings.
  • Elementary School: Industry vs. Inferiority

    Elementary School: Industry vs. Inferiority
    Leo and Ruby are both 9 year olds who struggle with their spelling words each week. Neither of their parents help with homework, but Leo attends an afterschool program where he can get help on his homework and practice his words. After a few weeks, Leo tells his counselors that he got 9/10 words right for the first time ever, but his friend Ruby did not pass. In this case, Leo feels a sense of industry and Ruby feels a sense of inferiority because she did not have the same help and support.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Intimacy vs. Isolation
    At age 25, Leo was asked out on a date and he rejected the girl. Growing up, Leo watched his parents fight frequently and eventually, they got divorced. This caused Leo to think that there was no point in being in love and getting married. His perception of love included constant bickering and it didn't seem like it was something that he wanted. The crisis here is intimacy vs. isolation and Leo chose isolation. He chose to turn the girl down instead of starting an intimate relationship.