Erikson TImeline

  • Initiative vs. Guilt

    Robert is in kindergarten and is on the playground with other children during recess time. He challenges a fellow kindergarten boy to see who can run from the swing set to the slide the fastest. In Erikson's third stage, initiative vs. guilt, the crisis is determining whether to interact and play with others or if their ideas will be neglected and develop a sense of guilt.
  • Industry vs. inferiority

    Robert is in third grade and he asks his friend what he thinks of his drawing of an elephant. His friend says it looks just like a real elephant. This compliment instills a sense of competence in Robert. The crisis in Erikson's fourth stage is whether or not the child's action will be encouraged or if they will be restricted by an authoritative figure which will make the child feel inferior to his peers.
  • Intimacy vs. isolation

    Robert is now a senior in high school. He has been intimately involved with his fellow classmate for the past 6 months. He has demonstrated his desire to be closely involved with others outside of his family. In Erikson's sixth stage, if the individual doesn't attempt to be in a committed relationship with somebody, he will feel isolated and lonely. If the individual wants to be successful in this stage, they must be in a long-term relationship.