Erikson Psychosocial stages

  • Identity vs Confusion

    Identity vs Confusion
    In Jareds younger years of life his moral upbringing resided with his families Christian belief systems. This values were very useful, but they contradicted how Jared saw the world. With lack of individuality he was not able to make sense of what to believe and his own place among the stars. Jared suffered tragically from depression, because he did not understand what it meant to Human.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Intimacy vs Isolation
    Jared wanted to share his love with other people. But this they had to have a similar belief structure in order for the relationship to work “he thought”. Many years had past and Jared still could not find anyone to spend quality time with. Until one day on his 33rd birthday, jared found himself in a bar lounge with a young young beautiful girl who just recently graduated from UCLA. From that day forth they became the bests of friends and soon enough got married.
  • Integrity vs Despair

    Integrity vs Despair
    Jared was sat down one day with his wife Aniya, who loved him so much. She was proud of the man Jared had became and Jared was proud of the person he had became. Nevertheless there is always room for reflection regardless of the statue at bay. So Jared drank all night thinking about the decisions he had made over the course of his life. He drank until he past out and found himself outback near their cabin they had built a few years ago. In that moment Jared kne he lived a full life.