Erikson Timeline

By 242360
  • Period: to

    Jammy The Baby

    Jammy(age 1) is crying all the time no matter how much you are with him or without. He is a fussy baby and doesn't like to be alone. He doesn't know who he can trust and everything is very new. He will only really stop crying when his Mom is holding him. He is going threw trust vs. mistrust.
  • Jammy Growing up

    Jammy is about 8 years old now and is learning so many new things. He is learning how to use water colors and how to multiply numbers. Sadly, he feels inferior to the other students and teacher who have a better time reading and writing. He's having a hard time trusting his teacher who keeps saying, "You'll get it with practice." He is dealing with industry vs. inferiority.
  • Teenage Jammy

    Jammy( age 16) has been dressing oddly and listening to a bunch of different kinds of music. When his Mom asks him about it. He said, "I'm just trying to find myself Dawg." He's also hanging out with new people who play more football and less of the people he typically hangs with. He is going threw the stage of identity vs. identity confusion.