
Life of Cristobal Colon

  • Oct 31, 1451

    Birth of Cristobal.

    Birth of Cristobal.
    CristobalColon was born in October 31st, 1451 in the City of Genova, Italy. He grew up in a humble family, who lived as farmers and artisans without much money.
  • 1476

    His first trip as a merchant.

    His first trip as a merchant.
    In this year he traveled with the intention of trading in places like: Portugal, Lisbon, Madeira, England.
  • Period: 1479 to 1480

    Colon family.

    In this year he met and married Felipa Perestrello Moniz, a member of an impoverished Portuguese family from whom he had a son, Diego Colon, born around 1480.
  • 1484

    Start of his journey.

    Start of his journey.
    In this year Colon began to seek support for an Atlantic crossing from King Juan II of Portugal, but he denied him help. Some conspiracy theorists have alleged that Colon made a secret pact with the Monarch, but there is no evidence of this.
  • 1485

    Death of the wife of Colon.

    Death of the wife of Colon.
    Felipa Moniz died in 1485, shortly before the flight of her husband Cristobal Colon to Castille. Colon took as her lover Beatriz Enriquez de Harana de Córdoba, and she had her second child, Fernando.
  • 1486

    Arrival in Spain.

    Arrival in Spain.
    In this year Colon was firmly in Spain, requesting the sponsorship of King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth. After at least two rejections.
  • Apr 30, 1492

    Caravels in the service of Colon.

    Caravels in the service of Colon.
    The kings sent a letter to Palos in which they ordered the construction of two caravels that they would put at the service of Colon.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Start his navigation plan.

    Start his navigation plan.
    August 3, 1492 Cristobal Colon leaved from Puerto de Palos (Spain) with two caravels (La Niña and La Pinta) and a ship (La Santa María). On October 12, 1492, after 72 days of navigation, Rodrigo de Triana the sailor spotted the mainland.
  • 1493

    Second Colon trip.

    Second Colon trip.
    Second trip, the search for the treasures of India: Colon leaves on September 25, 1493, commanding 17 ships and 1,200 men. Forty days later he discovered the Antilles, Cuba and Puerto Rico.
  • 1494

    First city founded by Colon.

    First city founded by Colon.
    Colon founded the city of La Isabela (January 6, 1494), the first of the Spanish in America; There, the problems began for Colon because of the Spanish discontent for the poor living conditions on the island.
  • 1496

    Return to Spain.

    Return to Spain.
    In June 1496 Colon returned from his second trip aboard La Niña, but for the kings, it was not as they expected. they wanted to see more gold and the things colon offered for them were not sufficient.
  • 1498

    Third Colon trip.

    Third Colon trip.
    In 1498 Colon leave for the third time; with a fleet of six ships and six hundred men. During this expedition he made new explorations as Trinidad Island, the Paria Gulf, on the American Continent.
  • 1502

    Fourth Colon trip.

    Fourth Colon trip.
    On May 11, 1502, he left with his brother Bartholomew and his son Hernando Colon from Cadiz with 4 ships and 150 men. In June they leave Jamaica and in September they leave for Spain.
  • 1504

    Colon concludes his career.

    Colon concludes his career.
    Finally, they arrive in Sanlucar de Barrameda in November 1504. On the trip he discovered the Caribbean Coasts from the current countries of Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama; This concludes the career of this bold, tenacious and brave sailor.
  • 1506

    Death of Colon.

    Death of Colon.
    Cristobal Colon died in Valladolid on May 20th, 1506, presumably due to complications of an arthritis suffered for years. After his death, his body was discarded which removed all the flesh from the bones for the best preservation of the corpse.
  • 1509

    Cristobal corpse transfer.

    Cristobal corpse transfer.
    His remains remained in a Franciscan convent in Valladolid until his son Diego moved to the Cartuja de las Cuevas in Seville.