Period: 27 BCE to 14
Known as the best emperor. He ruled with peace. He caused the economy of art and agriculture to flourish. He built/restored 82 temples in 1 year. He also maintained stability in marriage and raised birth rate.
GOOD EMPEROR: He is known as the best emperor. He did a lot for his people and wasn't evil. -
Period: 14 to 37
Remembered as a tyrant and a monster. He had a lot of acts of violence and force. He killed the contender of the throne by his orders. He also had occasional wars to represent his savageness.
BAD EMPEROR: He was a very bad emperor. He used to kill others to maintain his "savageness" which is not what a good emperor does. -
Period: 37 to 41
Claudius was a good emperor, but was weak. He wasn’t good looking at was pressured by opinions of people around him. He did create a welfare system of free bread for the citizens, so he tried to reduce hunger. However, this increased the government’s expenses. He wasn’t as good as Augustus but neither was he as evil has Nero or Tiberius.
NEUTRAL: This emperor is neutral because he wasn't a great emperor, but also not the best one. He did help out his people by creating the free bread system. -
Period: 54 to 68
Nero is one of the most infamous person to ever lived. During his reign, he murdered a lot of people, including his own mother and 2 of his wives. Some people also say that he started a big fire just so he could re-build the centre of Rome again.
BAD EMPEROR: To me, Nero has to be the worst emperor on the list, just because of the fact that he got his own mother killed. He also tried to burn down Rome, for a very stupid reason. -
Period: 69 to 79
Vespasian was an okay emperor, meaning he wasn't evil like Nero, nor was he the best one like Augustus. He started several building projects, one of them being the Flavian Amphitheatre, which is better known as the Roman Colosseum in today's society. He worked hard to restore law, respect and order after the series of civil wars that happened in Rome, at the start when he became the Roman emperor.
NEUTRAL: Both good and bad, he built stuff for the people, but could have done more as well. -
Period: 79 to 81
Titus was a military leader that died because of fever. He is best known for the completion of the Colosseum. He did ceremonies of the Colosseums’ opening for about 100 days. He wasn’t an evil emperor, but also wasn’t an extraordinary one.
NEUTRAL: Titus was also a neutral for me since he wasn't extraordinary. He did build the Colosseum, but could have done more the his people that supported him. -
Period: 96 to 98
Nerva was a nice emperor. His reputation was blameless. He was kind, reformed the land laws in favour of the poor people. Nerva bought succession because he was one of the 5 really good emperors. He wasn’t even like some others and did good deeds for his people and Rome. He repaired roads, built granaries, repaired the Colosseum and allotted land to the poor. These are just some of his good deeds, and thus I have to give it go Nerva.
GOOD: Nerva is a good one. He was kind to the poor, did a lot. -
Period: 98 to 117
Trajan was praised for his active building programs and successful leadership. He was one of the 5 Pax Romana emperors that contaminated peace for a period of time and was a really good emperor.
GOOD: He ruled with peace along with 4 other emperors. He built stuff and was a successful leader. With all this, he becomes a good one. -
Period: 117 to 138
Hadrian was selected as the emperor and strengthened the Empire borders with projects like Hadrian’s wall, which solidified the border and gave Rome more protection against other attacking armies. Hadrian was also one of the 5 good emperors that remained peace throughout Rome for a period of time. He had several building projects, like the Hadrian wall and Temple of Venus and Roma. -
Period: 138 to 161
Antoninus Pius
He was also one of the 5 good emperors that remained peace for a period of time in Rome called the Pax Romana. He also did good deeds, like the other 5 good Pax Romana emperors of Rome. He cared a lot about his people, and how they lived. His reign was pretty long and that was for a good reason, so he could rule with peace.
GOOD: He was one of the 5 good emperors. He ruled with peace and did good work for his people and cared about them. Usually, emperors don't do that, but he did. -
Period: 138 to 138
Though he didn’t fight much and didn’t care a lot of wars. However, he kept the army well supplied and well trained. He even increased their training. He loved arts and architecture and actually cared for his people. He was obsessed with ancient Greek culture and with all this in mind, he was a good emperor overall.
GOOD: He did a lot of stuff for his people and wasn't cruel and evil. He kept the armies well trained and well supplied and built some stuff as well. -
Period: 161 to 180
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus made his son Commodus a co-emperor. He turned out to be a vicious emperor. Marcus Aurelius starved him to death for what he had become. This was one great deed committed by Marcus. he was also very intelligent. He handled people kindly and effectively. His reign was remembered as a golden age.
GOOD: He was a good one because he got his son killed because his son was a bad and evil emperor. He was also a kind emperor and cared for his people. -
Period: 180 to 192
Coming back to the evil emperors of Rome, Commodus was another one of them. Commodus was a very bad and cruel emperor. He was cruel, powerful and used his power in bad ways. Commudus was and is remembered as a tyrant and a monster. He enjoyed fighting in the arena as a gladiator. He was a very chaotic and corrupt emperor.
BAD: Another bad emperor here, COmmodus was a cruel one. He used his power negatively and enjoyed fighting as a gladiator. He was corrupted and didn't care for his people. -
Period: 284 to 305
Diocletian was a good and a bad emperor. When the Roman Empire was too large to manage from Rome, Diocletion decided to split the empire into two sections, the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire. This allows them to defend their borders easily as they were spread apart. However, he was evil for human rights, since he killed a lot of Christians because of their religion.
NEUTRAL: He did good and bad as well. I don't like the fact he killed the Christians, but he was kind to others. -
Period: 306 to 337
Constantine was the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christian. He created a new capital in Rome named Constantinople. He also changed the way other people looked at Christianity in public. After he converted, he changed the religion from one of persecution to an accepted one. He made Christianity the official religion of the land as well.
GOOD: Constantine was a good emperor. He was the first to convert and tried to save the religion. In fact he made the religion the official one of the land.