• Birth

    Born in Anenecuilco, Mor. In 1879.
  • Chairman

    He was appointed president of the land defense board of Anenecuilco.
  • Revolutionary struggle

    Revolutionary struggle
    He joined the plan of San Luis. He launched himself into the revolutionary struggle and after the death of Torres Burgos, he took command of the leadership of the southern revolution.
  • Ayala Plan

    Ayala Plan
    Where he proclaimed armed struggle as the only means to obtain justice. He formed the Liberating Army of the Center and South in January 1914, controlling the state of Morelos in April.
  • Zapata and Villa interview

    Zapata and Villa interview
    Carranza rejected Zapata's agrarian pretensions and Zapata decreed in Cuernavaca the delivery of land to the peasants. He met with Villa and the Convention of Aguascalientes was held, hostilities were broken and the Liberator Army and the Army of the Northern Division entered Mexico City.
  • Carranza

    Zapata issued the General Administrative Law of the State, schools were reopened and production restarted. Naming Carranza President after the promulgation of the Constitution, he said he would put an end to Zapatismo.
  • Death of Emiliano

    Death of Emiliano
    Zapata was killed in Chinameca on April 10, 1919, by Jesús Guajardo and his escort pretending to be his allies.